Copyright 2009 Theresa Harvard Johnson
One of the top strategies of the wicked heart and flesh… against the body of Christ in this season is that of “emotionalism.” It is a mental state that fights against the Spirit of the Lord fiercely. It is a place of being or existing in which a believer cultivates, nurtures and follows “their feelings” instead of cultivating, nurturing and following “the Word of God” and practicing self-control in their lives.
Emotional believers are not only those who whine, cry, pitch fits and are always upset because someone has hurt their feelings or disrespected them; but it also refers to those who jump into anything and everything out of excitement or zeal without preparation in prayer or the wisdom of patience. It is for those who see God as a one-hit wonder in the blessing department and can’t see that we live blessed daily.
Hello Theresa! I’ve been in this place more times than I care to mention. Coming out of this place has been CRAZY FOR ME! Listen, I thought I was under attack and fighting depression until I realized that I WAS MY PROBLEM as it relates to this issue. In fact, I had a home on this island and hut by the water for a very long time.
The Father, our Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit want us to wake up and recognize this “place of existing” for what it is: A self-sabotaging strategy that has come to bring division in us an in the body of Christ. Our Father wants us to know that this schizophrenic condition in the believer is the cause for many divine relationships being severed and destroyed. NO BELIEVER is immune from this! Don’t be fooled by the super-spiritual state that many will take with this message and messages like it.
John 10:10 says that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. So when emotionalism takes root in our lives we can go out of our mind as we operate in and through the emotions governing us – Lord forbid if severe anger and rage (which is generally already buried there) comes alive. In turn, we leave a wide open door for the adversary the devil to get in and MAKE ALL KIND OF DRAMA OF US AND OUR LIVES.
James 1:8 tells us that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. The seven verses before that speak of the need for patience, faith, wisdom and the need to be able to stand your grand without stumbling. In other words, we are to exude self-control in all things. It took me YEARS to learn how to be quiet when “perceived or actual” hurt took place; and how to not get excited about everything good that someone promises or say they are going to do. If freedom had not come to me, I would be living in my offense right now because people will disappoint.
Operating in “emotionalism” on a daily basis for the believer is an indicator of a deeper, more serious problem. Not only is an open door; but it is also an outward cry for a deeper, more intimate relationship with Holy Spirit, the revealer of truth. There are emotions that we will experience here on earth that have their proper place; and there are “godly emotions” that we must learn to embrace and walk out. (I can’t wait to teach on these two areas.) Then there is emotionalism which is a place of chaotic existence in which a person completely exists in and responds to themselves, others, life and even to the Father according to “how they feel.”
Why is this teaching relevant?
It is relevant because YOU CANNOT LIVE YOUR LIFE AS A BELIEVER, RUN YOUR MINISTRY OR SERVE GOD effectively in this state. I’ve seen people give up; give away their opportunities; minimize their value to others; give credit to people on their projects without prayer; follow people who flatter them and support them in their emotions; and even separate from the people divinely connected to sharpen them because they don’t won’t their feelings hurt or excitement causes them to move too soon.
Even messages like this will mess up a believer suffering from emotionalism. They will take it personally and make it all about them and how they are not fit to follow God. Instead of being empowered to change, they will whine and cry about their imperfections – instead of seeing themselves in “process!” The enemy will come in and COMPLETELY BLOCK the work of Christ that is evident in their lives – and they will spend hours if not days focused on the negative. To make matters worse, they will run to someone who will SYMPATHIZE with where they are instead of flocking to those who will sharpen them. Condemnation will set in, and then discouragement.
In my life, the Lord began to shut down the “sympathizers.” I pray that you CAN LAUGH with me on this part if you’ve been there. I found myself crying out one night saying to God, “There’s no one around for me to talk to Lord. No one understands me.” I started looking for people I could cry to until I realized, THE LORD WAS BREAKING THIS IN ME AND I WOULD BE OKAY! The Lord gently said this, “Give everything to me.”
The transformation didn’t happen overnight. It was ugly as I got over “being mad” with people for not having time or not wanting to hear my complaint. The more I pressed into SERIOUS WORD STUDY AND PRAYER seeking to be free from the issues of my heart the Lord began teaching me as I was delivered, and set free.
As I learned, some of those relationships that enabled my selfish, baby behavior were revived and I could see this scripture take effect: Proverbs 27:17 says, As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Saints, we must begin to pray for discernment. Many times the people around us an in an “emotional” CHAOS, vicious PITY PARTIES AND WRONG THINKING THAT WON’T LET UP. We can’t fix this. GOD wants us to SEE OUR CONDITION so He can heal us. When working with people like this, we must know whether they need an encourager OR if they need a stern word. We must be okay with them BEING MAD AND ANGRY and accusing us of not being loving. WE MUST BE OKAY WITH THEIR FLESHLY RESPONSES TO US!
And if they find a “SPECIAL PERSON TO CODDLE THEM” it is okay as long as it isn’t YOU. We are living in PERILOUS TIMES – don’t be fooled. We cannot afford to get caught up in the manipulation of people’s flesh. The Lord is trying to grow us up… not make us feel super okay.
Emotionalism is a TRAP, a FLESH WEB that has been loosed on the Lord’s people by their own selfish longings.
When that tornado blows through unaware – the devastation is immeasurable. We must be guided by the spirit. If you are UPSET about something or overly EXCITED …. I beg you to wait it out, no matter how anxious you are. Get on your knees and PRAY so that you know that you know that you KNOW you are guided by the Word of God.
Sometimes, the effects of a tornado leaves a massive cleanup in its wake – and not everything can or will be restored. Emotionalism has this kind of power… and we must TAKE IT AWAY.