Copyright 2010 Theresa Harvard Johnson
We cannot always get what we want on our terms.
This is not how the Kingdom of Heaven is set up. We have clear guidelines in place to conduct every area of our lives. Sadly, many believers are growing in blatant disrespect and lack of honor for the authority that has been set over them in the spirit realm. Some of it, is in fact, due to rebellion resulting from leaders abusing their power; but a vast majority is due to this CASUAL approach many now have toward the Lord and His chosen leaders.
My focus in this particular post is on the latter.
You see, we have more people trying to pursue Jesus as a FRIEND than we do those who are pursuing Him as LORD. As a result, people falsely think that this “Friendship” or this appearance of relationship they’ve developed is enough to guarantee their salvation and validate their ministries.
What’s even more misleading and devastating is that this “friendship status” that so many claim is based on their loose understanding of what it means in their human understanding. I am convinced that the relationship ABRAHAM had with God that moved Him into a place of being called His FRIEND is far different than the definition of friendship that travels through a man’s mind.
This “casual, entitled” thought process has trickled down through relationships with parents and their children; spiritual sons and fathers; pastors and their congregations; and mentees and their mentors in the body of Christ… and it’s seeking to destroy the very FABRIC of authority among the assembly that God has put in place.
Matthew 7:18-21 CJB says this, ” A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, or a poor tree good fruit. Any tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire! So you will recognize them by their fruit. Not everyone who says to me, `Lord, Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants.“
You see, I am convinced that the mention of friendship had very little to do with a “buddy system.” That place of sovereignty, fear and authority NEVER left Abraham’s heart concerning His God. I am convinced that he did not get that definition of friendship twisted. Instead, it was a testament of respect — a place of meeting in which Father was truly pleased with Abraham’s Sonship.
Today, I heard Father say this to me so clearly: “I am giving my leaders strategies to restore order in the midst of their ministries. Come to me in prayer with diligence, persistence and obedience in this hour and I will fill you with wisdom to overcome the strategy of the adversary to pervert Sonship. Surely, I am separating the sheep from the goats.”
Romans 13:1-5 says, “Everyone is to obey the governing authorities. For there is no authority that is not from God, and the existing authorities have been placed where they are by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authorities is resisting what God has instituted; and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are no terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to be unafraid of the person in authority? Then simply do what is good, and you will win his approval; for he is God’s servant, there for your benefit. But if you do what is wrong, be afraid! Because it is not for nothing that he holds the power of the sword; for he is God’s servant, there as an avenger to punish wrongdoers. Another reason to obey, besides fear of punishment, is for the sake of conscience.”
Governing authorities, as used here, covers spiritual and the natural authority. Though men have tried, they honestly cannot separate the two. Authority is, in part, Father’s system for protecting, nurturing, developing, leading, guiding and maturing His people. It is also a significant part of his strategic plan of keeping order.
You see, I had to write this today at the leading of Holy Spirit.
There are people who come in and out of ministries saying, “Father sent them.” They come will all these dreams, visions and words of the Lord concerning why they came and what they need. The pomp and circumstance can be wild at times. Surely, God may have very well led them as they said.
Yet, some come as goats and as long as the leaders do what they want, say what the want and do it the way they want them to do it… they give the lip service and the appearance of respect. The minute correction or rebukes comes forth — whether in the open or in private — they question whether they heard God concerning your leadership at all. There are even those who will try to manipulate the anointing on your life — attempting to have you compromise your stand for their benefit — even bending the very guidelines Father gave YOU to keep order in your life and your ministry to them!
This type of response is, in part, fallout from the CASUAL approach many have taken to Father and His appointed leaders. They have NO FEAR of the Lord, and there’s definately no fear of the Lord that resides on the inside of the leader! This issue of godly “FEAR” runs deep.
It’s time people of God to address this loudly, and WAKE UP to the reality of this increasing issue. So many are mistreating the VERY ONES that Father has sent into their lives to bring them into a place of increase. What I want you to see here is that this isn’t just a response to leadership, but it is actually HOW some believers are approaching the Lord as well.
More than ever, I find myself interceding and praying over myself and over those assigned to me. This CASUALNESS is a diabolical trick of the enemy. It might start with CASUAL SUNDAY or dress down day but pretty soon it will be a mindset if not dealt with.
Romans 13 says clearly that EVERYONE is to obey governing authorities — and when you resist those authorities you stand right smack in the middle of judgment. This isn’t any kind of judgment — but God’s judgment.
We do not serve a casual God. He does not have a casual approach concerning us. The charge presented by God from those receiving from their leaders is not complicated. It is simple. Romans 13 says it this way: DO WHAT IS GOOD! And what is good is walking in the Word, by the Word — not leaving out those things that we “think” no longer apply to us.
A God-sent leader is there for YOUR benefit. A God-sent leader won’t abuse you.
The scripture also says that when you do wrong before your leader BE AFRAID! You see, in this “casual” approach so many have to the governing authorities there is NO FEAR OF DOING WRONG and there is definately NO FEAR OF THE GOD inside the leadership. THIS IS A PROBLEM! Why? Because the message of “equality” that exists outside the Kingdom of God has ripped through the body unaware.
I cannot wait for an opportunity to really teach on “equality” from a spiritual perspective! It is so different from what we’ve been taught from that humanistic, human rights perspective. As a result of a lack of understanding in this area, so many try to be “equal” to their leaders IN THE WRONG WAY. People of God, the student will NEVER be greater than the teacher in this fleshly sense.
So those sitting under these leaders in the spirit become like children releasing spiritual temper tantrums because they cannot get their way.
People of God, judgment is here. I saw it so clearly today. We must realign some things in our lives quickly in this area!
There are people who would call a man who earned a degree through education by “title” EASILY; yet, I’ve seen people STRUGGLE to acknowledge a man or woman of GOD who has been ELEVATED BY GOD into their God-given office. How dare the body give more respect to mammon than to the elect of God! This is further evidence of the “twisted” mind-set that “casualness” is creating. There’s so much I could say along these lines….
YOUR SPIRITUAL FATHER is NOT your road dog. YOUR PASTOR is not YOUR buddy JOE. Your mentor is not you BESTIE. What we are seeing in the world… is passing through the church… and pretty soon, even the leaders of God won’t have any control over their own households.
I know this isn’t something people will like. But I stand by this word the Lord shared with me today. Leaders, I challenge you — don’t come down to the level of the people you lead in this “carnal way.” It’s time to raise the standards, raise the bar… and press into intercession and prayer for strategies to combat the infiltration of this “CASUAL APPROACH” into your ministry.
Read Part II: The Devestating Effects of Approaching Leadership Casually