I am writing this in response to the nation’s outrage over the announcement from the Obama Administration on yesterday. As you read this, please know that this article is addressed to the Christian – the true believer. In truth, an intelligent/intellectual man would miss God in what is written here and turn this message into nothing more than one man’s opinion. I do pray that you are open to hear and to read this message through til the end.
But I write this as a Scribal Apostle. In truth, what is written isn’t going to discuss same sex marriage in the sense of the chatter and theological discussions we are hearing– but reach behind this topic to raise awareness about something far more diabolical. As we dig into this, we go deeper into that root. This is something that I believe Father has been whispering in the ears of his intercessors for quite some time.
People of God, I don’t profess to be anyone special or to have all the answers. In fact, I would say that I’m nobody to most of you; yet the somebody the Lord has chosen to write this today. All I know is that my spirit is grieved and burdened with intercession and mourning over our nation; and that as a congregation – we are being commanded to walk in the wisdom of Yahweh, our returning King. This is not intended as a Word of the Lord, in the sense of a prophecy; rather, it is revelation that is written much like the letters of Paul that were written to the congregations he shepherded, influenced or had relationship with.
As I listened to the news broadcasts on this topic, my hearing was amplified to this one phrase: “The Obama administration has made a decision that it will nolonger defend the Federal Marriage Act.” While I understand the outrage concerning this issue and its specific implications on the marriage in this country, my ears zoned in on that highlighted phrase “will no longer defend.”
Father began revealing to me that this “phrase” is indicative of a stand or a position that this particular administration has taken to its very core. It is important to note that in taking this position – an entire legislative process was ignored. We moved from a place of having a legislative voice and appeal process to a place of “this is how it’s going to be.” In truth, there are many things – if you’ve watched closely – that falls in this category other than the Federal Marriage Act.
In truth, many things have been “no longer defended” – and they have turned the tide or shifted the belief systems – ethical and moral standing of this nation in major ways. Nearly every moral issue that has been illuminated in this hour by the “true believer” has strategically been under-minded in a greater way during this administration. By true believer, I am referring to those who fully embrace the foundational truths of the Gospel – regardless of denomination or political party.
1 Samuel 12:13-15 CJB says, “Now, here’s the king you have chosen, the one you asked for. See, ADONAI has put a king over you. If you will fear ADONAI, serve him, obey what he says and not rebel against ADONAI’s orders – if both you and the king ruling you remain followers of ADONAI your God – [then things will go well for you.] But if you refuse to obey what ADONAI says and rebel against ADONAI’s orders, then ADONAI will oppress both you and your leaders.”
While many are in denial of this simple truth, what we are seeing take place in our country is the fulfillment of this scripture. Truly it is judgment, and despite all of the conversations that the popular and influential are having about this issue the bottom line will always be this: “The congregation of the Lord bears the weight of responsibility in this matter. We are the light of the world, the salt of the earth – and the influencers of change. It’s not the other way around.”
I am writing this letter to the TRUE BELIEVER – those who are standing on the wall in intercession, prayer and in a place of true sight and reason with the Lord. In this, I take no stand for or against our president because that in and of itself is is not at issue. The issue is the congregation! I am standing before YOU, my brethren telling you today that the Lord is holding the saints in this country accountable.
Somehow, some way, we have to get this. The question of the hour is NOT what this administration has done, but what have WE allowed this administration to do?
I Corinthians 4:4 AMP says, “For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers’ minds [that they should not discern the truth], preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God.”
You see the unbeliever is BLIND. The UNBELIEVER is BLIND. The unbeliever IS BLIND… unable to discern the truth of the Word of God. We who have the TRUTH are to discern what is taking place in this hour and what is required OF US to turn it around, to lessen the blow and to prepare the Body for what is to come.
YET, we have SAINTS who are opening their mouths saying things like:
- Watch Obama! They need to get him out of office.
- How could he do this or that?!
- Man, what do you think about what Obama is doing?
- America is going to hell!
- This country has no hope.
- Look at the economy and the mess we are in.
- What do you think about this or think about that?
- Those democrats this and those conservatives that….
People of God, I pray you catch what I am saying here. You see, what you THINK about the president or his administration; the turning of the economy; and all your watching, conversations, gossip and hidden HATRED does not change that fact that a BLIND MAN with his BLIND ADMINSTRATION are unable to walk in the illuminating light of the Gospel. The only answer to BLINDNESS IS LIGHT! I had to REPENT for my thoughts and my opinions on this matter!
Theology is not going to save America! Carrying on frivolous conversations and speaking against a MAN is not going to change a thing! The only thing that brings change is unity among the congregation IN THE WORD OF GOD! Instead of standing on the word, many have become birds of prey, gossipers, junk starters, agitators of the wrong type – instead of carriers of truth (not just verbally but in their own lives)! The only thing we can bring to this situation and every situation like it that arrives is the word of God – that is undergirded by lives rooted in holiness, righteousness and intercession.
The only question in the midst of this entire conversation of what ifs is this: “What answer do I have as part of the congregation? What is required of me Lord?”
Am I saying we are not suppose to raise awareness about certain issues and certain strategies of darkness? No. Am I saying that our administration should be overlooked as we pursue Father’s will for us? No. I am saying that we must open our eyes to see those who are blinded (lacking discernment and understanding of our Christ) as pawns in the midst of a battle that is really focused fully on destroying the influence, power, reverence and respect for the Lord and His Church.
That statement that was made, “…we will no longer defend,” has implications far greater than the issue of same-sex marriage. If you begin looking across the legislation over the past few years – even before this administration set its course – we will see an emerging theme or pattern in which EVERYTHING IN THIS COUNTRY that labels Christ as our exclusive King has been slowly being chiseled away… and it began long before this administration took office.
Father showed me this so clearly last week!
It dates back over thirty years or more when we saw major Christian churches and empires begin to crumble under the weight of secret SIN! People of God, it follows a strong biblical pattern that can be traced back to Genesis. What we are seeing TODAY in this country… is fallout from seeds planted (that went unrepentant, swept under the rug, covered up by influential leaders in the church, etc.) just as in the natural many of US are paying for the fall-out of the “love-peace movement” of the sixties. We made idols of televangelists, artists, pastors and leaders… and then excused their sin when they fell from their very high places.
You see, we have not only chosen KINGS in our government, but we have chosen KINGS in the Christian church… people who speak on our behalf as apostles, prophets, leading pastors, influencers, etc. PLEASE DON’T MISS THIS OR DISMISS IT! When I see that scripture of 1 Samuel 12:13-15 and the context in which it came forth in biblical times, I see a people who were governed under the authority of the Torah choosing a leader among the “congregations” who led a life of compromise. It’s one thing to choose leaders within the secular world by vote – as all men have this right! But I tell you, WHAT LEADERS HAVE WE ELEVATED IN THIS COUNTRY TO THE PLACE OF IDOL WORSHIP AND THEN GAVE THEM PERMISSION TO SPEAK ON OUR BEHALF? People of God, come on… this thing isn’t all about our presidential administration. Saul was in our midst LONG BEFORE Obama took office!
I pray you hear me by the Spirit! We’ve chosen people to give us spiritual guidance and leadership and they have SHAMED US…. CORRUPTED US… and left the gate open for the enemy to walk right through our congregations undetected. Father is saying to us today, “Before we judge the administration of this country with our self-righteous gossip, we must first CLEAN HOUSE in our own congregations first. The battle ahead is not for those with hidden sin. It’s not for those who can influence men with their false mantles of zeal, slick tongues, perceived power and influence. We must first judge ourselves.”
People of God, GRACE doesn’t overlook sin! Everything that happens in this country – in this world – is a result of what is happening in the Church.
1 Peter 4:17 CJB, “For the time has come for the judgment to begin. It begins with the household of God; and if it starts with us, what will the outcome be for those who are disobeying God’s Good News?”
Part II Coming