Copyright 2009 Theresa Harvard Johnson
There are people who are saying, "I know I am a scribe, but I just can't seem to get a jump start on writing. What is it Lord?"
Holy Spirit prompted me to remind you of this: "Not every biblical scribe was a WRITER — at least not in the sense that we often think they should be."
I want to encourage you to go back through your books, Scribal Purpose (which is available free online) and The Scribal Anointing, if you have a copy, and review these two areas:
1. The 10 reasons why the Lord has called you to write; and
2. The three levels of The Scribal Anointing
Hidden in these discussions are details about the scribal ministry of ADMINISTRATION. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 12:28 which says, "And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues."
The Complete Jewish Bible says this: "28 And God has placed in the Messianic Community first, emissaries; second, prophets; third, teachers; then those who work miracles; then those with gifts of healing; those with ability to help; those skilled in administration; and those who speak in various tongues."
There is a loooooooooong history here concerning the gift of administration which is rooted in the establishment of the first local church under Moses' ministry. Among those scribes who were called to serve on the Sanhedrin (the first church staff) were those who had varying gifts of administration in record keeping, planning, finance, management, technological gifts (yes this is in there), recording, dictating, transcribing, drawing of plans, administrative strategies, processes and procedures and so much more.
When you SEARCH the scriptures and dig into the individual roles of scribes, you will learn that they fulfilled many of the tasks we sometimes take on in the church like transcribing the pastors sermons, managing the church member lists, handing the finances, purchasing church equipment, writing up policies and procedures, dictating, etc.
Your scribal gifts may simply be under the "administrative" anointing verses that of creative writing or instruction. Does this mean that you are locked into ONLY working in this area? Absolutely not. You WILL move into the others areas of your scribal gift… but this area will always remain your greatest strength.
We must learn to NOT FOCUS on what we FEEL LIKE "we cannot do," and begin looking at what we ARE DOING for the Kingdom. True apostles and prophets, and other ministry leaders, will have scribes in their lives… especially if those leaders are BUILDERS & PIONEERS….
Many of the patriarchs in the scriptures were PIONEERS… they BROKE GROUND… and they needed all the scribal gifts around them. Don't think that Moses only had one scribe in his camp, We know he had at least 20 minimum. How do we know this? Well, the scriptures clearly say that the Sandhedrin was comprised of 71 members — one third were priests, one third were elders and one third was scribes.
I decree and declare as a prophet of Jesus Christ that you will EMBRACE your destiny now in Jesus name… and allow the Lord to use you to the FULL, running over …. in the scribal anointing!"