Released November 2007 Through Prophetess Theresa Johnson
The Lord laid this passage of scripture and this short prophetic word on my heart this morning. For months now, we’ve been gaining momentum in the spirit realm for a powerful changing of guards or shift in the spirit realm. For many of us, this shifting and changing has already taken place. Others, because of disobedience to the voice of Lord have missed this perfecting alignment.
Prophetic Word:
For those who have completed projects, moved by the Spirit of the Lord, walked in a place of submission when it seemed impossible and turned your face to the wall in repentance saying, “God! It is I who need you… do whatever it takes to restore my soul unto you” — he has heard and answered your prayers.
Get ready! You are about to pull rank in multiple levels in your lives. Why? Because you have endured — not just to get through — but you have endured in obedience.
Psalm 75:5-7
Lift not up your [aggressive] horn on high, speak not with a stiff neck and insolent arrogance.
For not from the east nor from the west nor from the south come promotion and lifting up.
But God is the Judge! He puts down one and lifts up another.
Promotion has come. You are being positioned and aligned….
In Jesus Name, Amen