Copyright 2010 Theresa Harvard Johnson
I received a question this morning from a fellow Scribe of the King. The question was: “What is the Word of Knowledge and how does it affect my writing?” I quickly realized that I’ve never written anything on the “word of knowledge” or the “word of wisdom.” In prophetic circles, we hear these phrases often but very few people — even in their teachings fully address them in a way that can be understood.
Briefly, I want to explain what the “Word of Knowledge” is as Father has revealed it to me. It will be brief, to the point and very simple. Later, I’ll come back and address the “Word of Wisdom.”
In your walk with God, there will be times when you “just seem to know things” and there is no plausible explanation. You can’t give that knowledge over to experience; something you read; something you were told; something you were taught or even what you heard over varying forms of media.You will simply just “KNOW.”
A perfect example of this is when Jesus asked His disciples this question: “Who do you say that I am?”
They all used HEAD KNOWLEDGE OR INTELLECT to answer him — saying you are Elijah and such. Peter, however, said plainly, “You are the Son of the Living God.”
Then Jesus replied, “Flesh and Blood (meaning the the information, the television, your experiences, rationalization, etc.) did not reveal that to you.”
In other words, this KNOWLEDGE came to Peter from the realm of the Spirit by the very WILL OF GOD specifically for Him.
Another good example is the situation with Peter, Ananias and Sapphira who lied about how much money they received from the sale of their land. PETER was not with them. Peter did not see what transpired, nor did he have a conversation with anyone CONCERNING their financial situation. PETER JUST KNEW. The Lord dropped a “Word of Knowledge” into Peter’s spirit. That word was this, “They are lying.”
Most believers walk in the “Word of Knowledge” daily and don’t even realize it. As a parent, I’ve noticed that the “Word of Knowledge” really comes to me often concerning my children. There have been times when the Lord has said things to me like: “Check the book bag or drop by the school for a locker check.”
That would be the ONLY WORD I receive from Him. By doing so, the Lord has allowed me to head off some stuff with my children based on this “KNOWING” that did not come by natural means.
This is the work of HOLY SPIRIT in you! I want to point that out. It is the aspect of Him that brings MEN FACE TO FACE WITH GOD’S TRUTH!
As a writer, there are things that you may have NEVER STUDIED about the Kingdom of God or things that you have never personally experienced; however, the Lord will DROP that knowledge or understanding in you specifically for His people. It is really a form of revelation knowledge — things revealed to YOU directly from the MIND OF GOD.
The Lord has often told me this: “I operate in my people’s lives on a need to know basis.”
In other words, some things will only be given to us as “we need to know them” like in the biblical examples mentioned above.
WORD OF KNOWLEDGE does not come from bible study, some form of impartation, sitting under someone or reading a book or whatever. As a
scribe, you can probably look over your writings right now and find spiritual truths that you’ve written that you’ve never studied before, heard preached, etc. or an understanding of things that runs far deeper than the norm. We are capable of “knowing things” simply because the Lord desires to tell us or open our eyes to it.
How awesome if our Father! As we grow in relationship with Him, know that Word of Knowledge will be common place. It will be a part of your daily Kingdom living. And despite what some have taught, how long you’ve been saved does not determine your ability to hear or receive a Word of Knowledge. God gives it to us freely…
We are indeed Sons…