Copyright 2010 Theresa Harvard Johnson
There is a prayer that is lying dormant in the hearts of scome of God’s people. It is an enduring prayer — one that Holy Spirit waits to be uttered from the lips of the offspring of Heaven. It is a prayer that reaches beyond human needs, wants or desires. It displaces the cares of this world, and turns the heart solely toward the Lord. It is a prayer that instantly quiets the enemy, and uplifts the soul. It raises the praises of Heaven and draws a man’s heart into the deep depths of Father’s heart.
It brings death to the plans of men, and life to the plans of Father.
On my birthday in February, I fell on my knees before the Lord. I cried out to him concerning the condition of my soul – asking him to wash it, cleanse it, raise the bar in my life so that I could really be a drink offering for the Kingdom of Heaven. I prayed a prayer to the Lord SOLELY under the unction of Holy Spirit. As I repented for things brought to my remembrance, I asked Father for some specific things related to wisdom. In the midst of that prayer he said to me, “Cry out beloved and pray for the Fear of the Lord to rise within you.”
I did, and I tell you… my soul is being transformed more into His image every day.
You see, many of us are asking Father for wisdom. We want to walk in her statutes, her knowledge, her understanding — under our terms. We want wisdom to guide us in our business ventures, with our family members and in our goings and doings in our congregations. Yet, the souls of men fail to seek after that complete breaking that takes place in a man’s soul that will move them beyond the simple understanding of dying to self. Dying to self is MORE than resisting the urge to sin. It is the kind of death that takes a man on a faceless and nameless walk as he lives, moves and has his being in Jesus Christ while fulfilling purpose in the earth.
It is the walk that makes YOU nothing, and Jesus everything. It is a walk that will leave you on your knees, crucified for the Gospels sake with your eyes fully open and shouting, “Be it unto me.” It is walking out the EPISTLE that was written for you in Heaven with righteousness.
Proverbs 9:1-11 CJB says, “Wisdom has built herself a house; she has carved her seven pillars.”
Wisdom has BUILT her house. She has been carved (engraved, set, established, chiseled in) seven pillars (fundamental principles or practices established by God). The number seven means complete in the instance used here. The pillars represent foundational truths of the gospel, the character, heart and mind of God. Those seven pillars are also the seven spirits of God that make up the function and purpose of Holy Spirit in the earth. They are clearly defined in Isaiah 11:1-2 CJB which reads: But a branch will emerge from the trunk of Yishai (Jesse), a shoot will grow from his roots. The (1) Spirit of ADONAI (The Lord) will rest on him, the (2) Spirit of wisdom and (3) understanding, (4) the Spirit of counsel and (5) power, the (6) Spirit of knowledge and (7) fearing ADONAI…
Wisdom does NOT stand alone. SHE HAS BUILT HER A HOUSE… and my God, look at its foundation. This foundation is supposed to LIVE IN US! Please, get this! It is suppose to live in our TEMPLES undefiled. When you pray that difficult prayer — asking for the SPIRIT OF THE FEAR OF THE LORD to walk with you, you are INVITING WISDOM to build HER HOUSE inside your temple — this physical body that houses your spirit and soul. You are INVITING HOLY SPIRIT to CONSUME THIS LIFE THAT YOU LIVE. YOU ARE REALIGNING YOUR SOUL with Heaven’s will… and causing a revolution of Holy Fire to take place in your heart.
People of God, many are praying for WISDOM but they have not made the ULTIMATE connection between her and Holy Spirit. This is a CLEANSING, DELIVERING prayer — not just a prayer to “get more” of something from the Lord.
Proverbs 9 continues, “She has prepared her food, spiced her wine, and she has set her table. She has sent out her young girls [with invitations]; she calls from the heights of the city, “Whoever is unsure of himself, turn in here!”
On that day when I prayed, my soul had a need, a thirst, a hunger that I couldn’t put into words. Father was clearly sealing up one phase of my life and launching me into a new one. When I got up from that floor that night that old season of my life WAS GONE. The last 10 years had been DEALT WITH and a new journey, a fresh course was set before me… and Father revealed that it was a path rooted in the FEAR OF THE LORD — one of the pillar stages of wisdom.
Wisdom desires to CONSTRUCT a HOUSE IN YOU. It is a parable of the WEDDING FEAST people of God! It is an invitation to DWELL in the HOUSE, the very PRESENCE of GOD. Father is blowing his trumpet in this season LOUDLY — he is aligning HIS people back into a place of Holiness and Righteousness. There are many who are walking in a FALSE WISDOM! They are surrounding their families, their ministries, their lives in pomp and circumstance. They are leading people on a fairy tale ride through Heaven… when the Lord simply wants to build a people UNTO HIMSELF who knows what it means to FEAR HIM.
I pray that you hear Father’s prophet this morning! As a people, we must learn to pray the DIFFICULT PRAYER — the ULTIMATE prayer of DEATH to flesh and to this world!
There were some things I was unsure about in this last season of my life. I had to turn to WISDOM for the answers by way of Holy Spirit. I had to pray that difficult prayer to get to a place of understanding in my OWN heart. The Word says to work out your soul’s salvation with fear and trembling before Adonai. How else can you do this except with the help of Holy Spirit! When He is absent all you really have is the WISDOM OF THIS WORLD! Many, many people are operating on this kind of analytical, charismatic and clever language disguised as wisdom… but it is a counterfeit. Counterfeit wisdom can be identified easily! It will draw you into YOURSELF (your own will and desires) instead of into a place of sacrifice and testing.
The word difficult means: not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure.
What does it mean the fear of the Lord? This answer has many, many facets to it. One thing that the Lord revealed to me in this study is that YOUR FEAR will be based on your relationship with Him. If you have a “little relationship,” then there will be little fear. FOR ME, I’ve learned that this fear is to reverence Father with a regard so great that only His purposes concerning me and what is assigned to me in Heaven and earth matter to my soul. It is to fear his judgment and the promise that He is the ONLY ONE who has the power to condemn my soul to hell. It is standing in a place of great awe and wonder concerning who He is. It is that daily process of entering into the reality of who he is in the earth — beyond my physical experience in this world! It is the FEAR of the consequences of sin.
People of God, there are people right now who profess to love Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit but they DO NOT HAVE any fear concerning the sin in their lives. There are people, right now, who treat the people of God with great contempt, a lack of love and they do all manner of evil BEFORE YOU — yet, believe Father is WITH THEM. Father IS NEVER in agreement with sin! He is never in agreement with the mistreatment of others! Please understand that those DELIBERATELY operating in this way have NO FEAR.
Proverbs 9 says, “To someone weak-willed she says, “Come and eat my food! Drink the wine I have mixed! Don’t stay unsure of yourself, but live! Walk in the way of understanding!”
Understanding comes ONLY by eating the fruit of Wisdom. It comes by dwelling in the house that she’s built. It comes with the acknowledgment of the NEED for Father and His Word, Jesus Christ. Resting in wisdom will set you under a pillar of understanding, and understanding will ground you in the Word. All of your information will become revelation for your journey.
Proverbs 9 continues, “He who corrects a scoffer only gets insulted; reproving a wicked man becomes his blemish. If you reprove a scoffer, he will hate you; if you reprove a wise man, he will love you. Give to a wise man, and he grows still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will learn still more. The fear of ADONAI is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of holy ones is understanding. For with me, your days will be increased; years will be added to your life. “
Wisdom will cause you to love correction — not run from it! You see, when we FEAR THE LORD (truly reverence Him with our hearts, mind and soul) we will seek after those things that Father loves. We will chase after those things He chases after. We will hate what He hates and LOVE what He loves. We will GROW.
Many “believers” have stunted growth! They are not progressing in the way that they should in the gospel. They are STRUGGLING to understand, to learn, to be who they have been called to be. My God! When we GIVE to wise men — they grow wiser! When you teach a righteous man, that righteous man will LEARN MORE. But the KEY TO THIS KIND OF WISDOM IS THE FEAR OF THE LORD!
Without it, you nor I will ever reach the higher heights in understanding Father…
PRAY the difficult prayer! Go on your knees and ask Father this: “Teach me to FEAR YOU!” It’s not a long prayer, but it is a powerful one. Will you be tested? Yes. Will you be tried in the fire? Yes. But, you will gain strength as Father lovingly watches your journey. You will be endowed with Isaiah 11 in a greater way. You will set your feet on a path straight for His heart…
This is what is required of us in this season. The beginning of the FEAR OF THE FEAR of the Lord is indeed Wisdom.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that your word convicts, heals, delivers and sets free in Jesus Name.