Released Through Theresa Harvard Johnson
April 11, 2012
Quick background info. This word was released to a specific group of people at an event focused on healing and deliverance. Father released me, however, to share it on a broader level.
This morning as I prepared for my day, Father said this to me: “Beloved, I will move Heaven and earth to get just one of my chosen vessels where I need them to be? I am calling my people to believe that I will do it.“
Hebrews 12:26 CJB, “Even then, his voice shook the earth; but now, he has made this promise: “One more time I will shake not only the earth, but heaven too!”
In the realm of the Spirit, I saw floods, fires and rains upon the earth. I was reminded of earthquakes and storms in the scriptures, in which, Father used nature to grab hold of the attention of His people and release His will. He even reminded me of several raging and pivitol “spiritual storms” in my life — that at the time — seemed impossible to overcome. In doing so, my spirit was quickened in knowing this simple truth: I survived and was transformed, matured and strengthened in the process.
As I meditated on the Word and these things before me, Father highlighted one specific situation that was like a Goliath at that specific time. The storm was so fierce and then suddenly, in the spirit, I saw this storm cease. It simply fell to the ground defeated. I knew with everything in me that Yeshua’s victory on the cross had defeated this situation on my behalf.
Then Father began speaking again: “Remind my people that despite what their storm may look like RIGHT NOW, I am with them. They have been trying to see me as the Goliath in their lives have come with an unrelenting desire to wear them down, prolonging the battle…
“Many of these battles have not been of your own making. They have been the diligent work of my adversary to wear you down, to chisel away at your might… and to cause you to give up. Yet, I have seen your weariness. Some have stood at the threshold of giving up, barely able to hang on, but I alone have strengthened them. I have revived them and despite the battle they’ve continued in expectation.
The questions they have had before me are these: When Lord? How Long?
Beloved, tell them that they are already victorious. Remind them that their victory is MY Glory! Remind them that their victory is MY testimony! Tell them that their victory PROVES me!
Am I not the one who proved myself through Abraham and Sarah? I took her barren and aged womb and gave it life! Am I not the one who took an old widow and a young widow who seemed CURSED on every side and turned their latter days into an amazing generational legacy and blessing? Did not calamity fall on my beloved Job and cause even his wife and closest friends to doubt that he was blessed, and called by name? And in the midst of his worse days, I raised him up and multiplied all that was lost.
Beloved, I am even able to cause you to gleen in a field that you did not prepare or own.
Today, remember my benefits! Consider where I have brought you from, and remember — I am ready to do greater on behalf of my chosen! I AM the God over, in and through your circumstances. Just as I moved heaven and earth for Daniel (wasn’t touched by the lion), Joseph (rose from the pit), Stephen (saw Yeshua rise up) and Paul (saw Heaven open) — my Son Yeshuah (caused the ground to break open) — I am moving for you! Beloved, I am using your RIGHT NOW … to propel your destiny.
Will you surrender your faith, your trust? Will your surrender your belief in the midst of your Goliath? Can you see GOLIATH COME DOWN….
Today, allow me to firmly establish myself in, through and over your circumstances. Through me, through my son… see your storms as ash. Allow me to BE WHO I AM IN YOU! I AM your victory, your joy and your endurance. — Amen
Later, as I prayed this over myself and others, I heard the Lord say this: “What I did all those years ago to get my people where I needed them to be, I am still doing today. Don’t limit the miracles, signs and wonders that followed the lives of my patriarchs to STORIES… tall-tales slated for their time. I am STILL doing these things today — no matter how impossible some might think they are. Don’t limit me… and my ability to draw all from you that I have placed inside you.