Spiritual Violence: Passionate Prayer Poems
By David Gumlia
Reviewed by Theresa Harvard Johnson
The spirit of King David comes forcefully through the pages of Spiritual Violence: Passionate Prayer Poems written by David Gumlia. They vividly capture the authors desperation and pursuit of God’s presence and a cry for us to do the same. It is truly prophetic, at least to me, that he shares this patriarchs name.
Like King David, there is an overflow of deep love and affection for God. At the same time, there is a constant, consistent reminder that we are merely human in His presence and that He is a God to be feared.
In Gumlia’s own words, the term “spiritual violence” is used in the title to express his personal “willingness to pay any price to have God’s best.” He describes this continual pursuit as a place of “spiritual intensity and fervor in which he is willing to renounce anything and everything” that prevents him from loving and obeying the Father. The poems reflect this thoroughly, and challenges the reader to take a closer look at their love relationship with the Lord.
Truly, there is a violent passion between these pages that will catch hold of the reader and either empower them to pursue even greater depths in their faith and belief; or saturate them in awe as they stand beneath the Glory of a Majestic King.
Our Lord is glorified in this book, and readers will be challenged to consider the depth of their passion and love for Christ. Even as I concluded this book review, the Lord released this question: “How deeply do you desire to know him? He will indeed take you as far as you desire to go.”
Gumlia, poet and speaker, is the father of six grown children, three grandchildren and a former PGA touring golf professional now residing in Virginia. His dramatic conversion in 2004 has led to a radical change in his life. To order copies of this book write to: Overflowing Heart, PO Box 283, Warm Springs, Virginia 24484 or email davidgwriter@yahoo.com. This book is also available on Lulu.com.