Copyright 2012 Theresa Harvard Johnson
In·vest·ment (noun).
The act and practice of depositing, endowing or imparting into someone or something with the promise of a future return; To commit or to devote morally or psychologically as to a purpose. To commit as in time or support.
My family and I are the products of great and multiple investments. The greatest of which was and is the gift of God himself – His word made flesh through Yeshua the Messiah, the anointed one.
I hold true to the full measure of J-oh-n 3:16 CJB which declares: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed.”
As a believer, a Son in the Kingdom of Heaven, I enjoy the spirit-led celebration of CHRISTmas – not because of the hype or the commercialization of the tradition. I enjoy it because of the “treasure of the season” that rests in my soul and in my Spirit. The significance of this day, for me, is a reminder of all the endearing, meaningful investments that have been made into my life from childhood until now through compassion, kindness and love – that have given voice and released life into the daughter, woman, wife, mother, sister, friend and mentor I am today.
I stand declaring that I enjoy this season. Why? It represents some of the greatest acts and moments of kindness that I have ever RECEIVED in my life. I wasn’t just Theresa blowing in the random wind of life. I was the Theresa who was remembered, considered and shown kindness. As you read this post, I challenge you to remember the investments made into your soul.
For years, CHRISTmas bore bitter memories and deep rooted heaviness. They were filled with violent embattlements between our parents; and my older siblings often found themselves in the middle – begging for peace, pleading with them to give us just this “one day” out of the year as a family.
In the midst of these times, Father began to show me how my oldest sister would – in the midst of all of this would make sure that her baby sister, Resa as they call me, would make the most out of what was salvageable. She was the one who sat around the tree with me making a big deal over every gift that I opened. She was the one reading instructions, and plugging in batteries to make sure that things worked. She was the one, who made sure I watched every CHRISTmas movie that came on the black and white television screen.
There was a GIFT in her GIFTS (INVESTMENTS).
Later in life, when I moved into the Georgia foster care system, I remember “the big deal” the house parents and administrators made about CHRISTmas – especially for those of us who didn’t have a place to go home to. We were kept busy and surrounded by the community of other children, volunteers and friends.
There was a GIFT in those GIFTS (INVESTMENTS).
Why is this significant? It’s significant because every gracious, merciful act – was an investment of hope, grace and mercy — even if the gift givers were unaware. Despite the circumstances and the tragedy of the past, my heart learned to REMEMBER the acts of kindness, the compassion. When I came to know the Lord, I began to see His presence at every turn in my development.
You see, the paganness of this holiday is very, very real. This is undisputable. But even in the midst of darkness, there is and always has been LIGHT, HOPE, GRACE, MERCY, COMPASSION and PURE LOVE that shines through if you have ears to hear and eyes to see.
In my life, and in the lives of countless others, this season PROVED that the world that GOD SO LOVES… is still full of HOPE and MERCY. It’s no wonder that I can look back now and see THE GIFT in the gifts under the tree.
This season, for me, isn’t about Santa. It has nothing to do with the tree or the ornaments that decorate it. It’s not about the quantity or even the quality of the gifts received. It’s about creating “memories” in the midst of this earth realm that bring us into places of reflection concerning what really matters: “True love extended.”
The truth of Christ “RESTS” within me. The beauty of who HE IS in me shines like the promise of a new day in my heart eternally. On this one day, when so many are earthbound and in fear of not having gifts for their children or even receiving one for themselves, I want to be that vision of hope that meets them in that carnal place – like Father met me all those years ago.
The “GIFT” always was and always will be GOD. The gift inside the “GIFT” will be unwrapped in due season – just like it was unwrapped and is continuing to be unwrapped in me. I fully believe that GOD is everywhere and at work in everything whether we can comprehend it or not.
Sometimes, getting the “one gift” that a child’s flesh has longed for is a catalyst to believe that the love of God is indeed reality. Yes, this is indeed a man-made holiday. We all know this fully. The question is and always will be, “How is God using this season to glorify himself and his vision for reconciliation?”
As my family and I continue to make godly memories today and always, I pray that they will always remember the “gift within the gifts.”
They have been considered, pondered over and remembered.
They are significant and loved.
And they are challenged through Christ to walk out this legacy alone through our generations. People of God, it is never about the “spirit of a season,” but the spirit of the LIVING GOD within you. While your physical house is in this world, YOU can choose to be separate from it.
May God’s love RICHLY CONSUME YOU throughout this holiday season and beyond. Be deliberate in every investment as you go forth and shine for His namesake!