Released through Theresa Harvard Johnson
November 29, 2015: The Lord released this to me this morning about American Sign Language (ASL) and Prophetic Dance. He is consistently speaking to me about how the people of God are being thrust into "MASTERY" — a place of specializing. He is really moving us AT AN ACCELERATED PACE as a people from generalizing in ministry to being very targeted and specific. I believe he is calling prophets to operate this way to distinguish the truth from a lie.
Here is the WORD: "I am speaking through the prophetic dance in this hour at a greater level. Yes, I know you are a prophet. Yes, I know your movement is that of deliverance. But now, I am calling you to move in greater stealth. You will prophesy to those who CANNOT HEAR in the natural, but they can hear clearly in the spirit in the areas I will have you speak and they can SEE CLEARLY in the natural. Discern what I am doing in you as a minister of movement, says the Lord. I am moving, I am moving… in you.
Yes, I know that you can interpret the words as they are spoken… but this, says the Lord, is your next position. I am already stirring it up in you to see your ministry from a different perspective. You are being pulled out.
Get ready to join ASL COMPANIES, ASL MINISTRIES that I have already set apart. One minstrel or company will speak dynamically with their hands while the minister of movement/dance or the interpretive company will speak with their entire being, their whole body(ies). You, beloved, have been marked.
I am also calling you to record what you prophesy through movement in video form. I am also calling you to record what you prophecy in written form."
In a vision, I saw these companies coming forth in the worship arts. They were coming forth on a scale that we have not seen before in the midst of apostolic ministry. They were like "TROUPS"…. and had this powerful, breakthrough anointing for youth, teens and young adults. The thing is…. the entire production was SILENT… and they were ministering to a SILENT (IN THE NATURAL) AUDIENCE… and people were being SET FREE. (I am still seeking God on this aspect of the vision, as I believe there is so much more.)
Father is saying, "You, my minister of movement, my prophet of dance, YOU will meet those and encounter those who will help you bring the vision of your heart to pass. Do not worry. Do not fret. Do not fear. Do not be intimidated. Do not WATCH OTHERS… follow me, and let me reveal my glory through you.
This vision is yet for an appointed time. I have placed an anointing on YOU so great that DOORS WILL SWING OPEN in the ASL COMMUNITIES. You will have access to do more than a SHOW… but to BUILD MY KINGDOM AND be a part of building a prophetic bridge among those with DISABILITIES. The hard of hearing community has been set before you to give life… and to fulfill my purposes.
I have assigned you. The Scribal Anointing is upon you to SPEAK and DECLARE IN SILENCE. The Scribal Anointing is upon you to MOVE AND RELEASE the instruction and revelation in this area. The SCRIBAL ANOINTING is upon your to SET THE TEMPLATE, ESTABLISH THE PATTERN for this anointing says the Lord. Father said this to me: WATCH. SEE. I WILL DO THIS in the midst of your ministry, in the midst of your calling.
The Lord began showing me how the Worship Arts would touch the communities for those with DISABILITIES. This is a place where there is no lights, camera or action for MEN to take credit. OH GOD, he is speaking so heavily on this….
Listen to the Word on Video: