A Wind That Will Shake The Nations!
Released Through Apostle Linda Mahoney
March 2016
The wind is blowing my daughter, the winds of change. There are things coming on the earth that will cause men to stand in awe of what is happening; to take account of their actions; to see their shame and their nakedness before me. This is about to be a shift in the political realm that will reveal the true heart of the nation and uncover the deep wickedness that resides in the heart of the land. For this nation has turned from me; it has overwhelmed my heart with its wickedness and I will not stand idly by. I have rise from my throne to observe the deeds in the earth. My eyes are upon the nations; my anger is kindled because of the great wickedness that is rampant in the hearts and minds of the people. I will shake the earth and awaken my people; my people who have been asleep; my people who have not harkened unto my voice. For surely, I have published my warnings. I have lifted up the voice of my prophets, and yet the people have stopped their ears from hearing the Word of the LORD. They have turned aside from my righteous call upon their lives; they have lived and loved the idolatries of their hearts. This is a grievous thing before me. But, I will arise, I will declared, I will awaken my people and call them into accountability before me! I will not allow them to remain in their condition without hearing my voice of warning. I’m calling my people to a place of godly sorrow and repentance, for many have turned their hearts from me. I will arise; I will declare my truth among the nations. I will arise and spy out the devices of the enemy and uncover them for all to see.
My Word says, look up for your redemption draws nigh, and yet my people are looking to the ways of earth, the ways of man, and the ways of the world. They will not find their salvation in these things. They must lift their eyes from the distractions of the earth; they must lift their lives from the idolatrous pollution in which they have allowed their hearts to be taken captive.
I will shake the heavens and the earth. There is a whirlwind of my Spirit coming and it will cause a great separation, from those who are truly mine and those whose hearts are rebellious against me. This is a separation that will tear families apart; a separation that will divide between the righteous and those who choose to continue in their ungodliness; a separation from those who call themselves by my name, but by their actions they do not live according to the power, authority or majesty of my name, my character or my Word. This is a separation that will blow through the nations; some will not understand what I am doing, but I am calling forth my Bride; my Bride; my Beloved one, who is unpolluted, without spot, wrinkle of blemish; my beloved one, who has captured my heart and upon whom my fixed eye finds pleasure. I will take her into the secret place of my presence and hide her under the shadow of my wing; I will love her and nurture her and teach her my ways. I will draw her close and give her a heart of love to pursue me and to find my great love and favor in the midst of the nations that roar against me. For this I will shake the earth, and I will receive that which is mine, says the LORD.
For surely, I shall arise and roar as the lion of Judah, my voices (like thunders, lightenings and mighty waters) shall be heard among the heathen, among the nations, and they shall shake and tremble. Yet, my Beloved shall find her rest, her salvation, her peace, her joy, her expectation in me, and I will fulfill all her desire. These words shall surely come to pass, and when they do, comfort my people with that which I have spoken unto you.
I will purge my house, says the LORD, and all the wickedness therein. I will remove those pastors who have neglected and abused my lambs; I will remove the scoffers who stir up rebellion in my house, I will cast them out, for I will not allow them to sow their lies into the hearts of my people. Those who mock me with their perversion, who have changed my Word into a mockery, and have set up a false standard of polished deception, these I will take down and disgrace them with their own shame.
There is a generation, a generation that I am calling to myself, a chosen generation that will hear my voice in the midst of the wind. They will move with the breath of my Spirit. Their ears will hear my voice, their eyes will see my glory, they will discern between the good and evil, the clean and the unclean, the holy and the perverse. They will lift up the standard of my Word. They will be a company of spiritual warriors, marching throughout the nations, declaring truth and exposing the lies of satan. They will be as my voice in the ears of man. Though they will be rejected and despised I will honor them and their enemies shall bow before them. Rise up ye mighty ones. Rise up! This will be my decree to the nations. Rise up fully armoured in the truth of my Word. Walk in the paths I have ordained for you. Nations, nations will bow before me and I will be glorified, says the LORD of Hosts. Prepare for things to come. I will teach you and show you what to do, for I will not leave you comfortless my Beloved.