Released through Theresa Harvard Johnson
May 9, 2017
Isaiah 1:26-27 CJB, “I will RESTORE YOUR JUDGES as at first and YOUR ADVISORS AS AT THE BEGINNING. After that, you will be called the City of Righteousness, Faithful City. Tziyon will be redeemed by justice; and those in her who repent, by righteousness.”
INSIGHT BEFORE THE PROPHETIC WORD: This specific word is related to the “scribal” function of the judge in the time of Moshe who had significant scribal authority among the people. Moshe’s priesthood was the first time a COUNCIL OF JUDGES was brought together, ordained and placed at the base of GOD’S government and sent before the people. This prophecy is not about resurrecting MOSHES time in history. Rather, I was reminded of the “governmental scribes or the apostolic scribes” whose skill set focused on establishing guidelines, protocol, bringing forth the wisdom of God in the midst of volatile disputes; and clarifying the meaning, purpose and intent of God’s Word. I believe the Lord’s focus here is awaken these scribes to their assignment, calling in those areas. Their ministry judge situations with righteousness. In sharing this, I hope to bring focus to what I have shared in the prophecy below for MATURE, EXPERIENCED SCRIBAL APOSTLES & PROPHETS.
I HEARD THIS: NOW, I am opening heaven before you and revealing scribal judges over certain groups among my people. I am amplifying unique guidelines and protocols within your hearing. I am sending you forth with precise wisdom as catalysts for unification, organization, deployment, greater courage, strength and deeper unity – that my people may be cohesive, effective, educated conquers and strategists in the areas where I have planted them.
Yes, I have caused you to understand the wisdom of the world as you have need of it. I have caused you to be as wise as a serpent and as gentle as a dove. I have caused you to be repairers of the breach, after the order of Christ. AND NOW, I am causing you to receive supernatural downloads to identify and resolve trouble quickly and completely. You are fitted for this intense season of justice… and your Spirit will cry out with the scepter of the lawgiver, the scepter of the King. I am stretching your mouth wide and expanding your reach within your assigned place. You will PRODUCE exactly what is needed in the exact time that it is needed. You will SPEAKE exactly what is needed in the time that is needed in great mercy and grace. Expect favor in governmental areas where others have previously been denied access. The matters at hand will be settled according to my Word. SCRIBAL JUDGES ARISE! Amen.