Released June 26, 2017
Theresa Harvard Johnson
Beloved, beware of any situation or circumstance in which men will NOT allow you to forget your FORGIVEN sin whether it be family, former friend or foe. This is a time of CHOOSING personal prosperity. A time of clearing away voices that are unprofitable to you in your proven place of obedience. Guard where you are now and allow no one to bring you into that corrupt place, that rip in time.
Yes, I heard the deep cries of repentance from your soul. Beloved, I see that you have turned away from that dark place and now stand in pursuit of me. You have given years to your healing process, restorative journey. You have examined your own heart and hold it in right light. You know that past… is truly past.
I -your deliverer – only have your future and progress in mind now. Release the guilt from those years ago. Release the self punishment!!!! Take away the power of your accuser by walking in victory and defending yourself NO MORE!
I AM your wall and defense! I AM your victory. I have caused you to rise above it all!!! Remember, your sins are as far away from ME as the EAST is from the WEST. Stop bringing them into remembrance and into your NEW DAY.
Beloved, men remind but I let go. Men often fail to forgive, but I do not. Choose not to enter into foolish discussions. Trust me for your new posture, firm and peaceful response.
Trust me for your fresh perspective. Trust me for your resistance to the taunts and jeers, the desire to pull you into shame, guilt and regret. Trust me in strengthening you to choose to move forward. Forward is your reality!
Remember, Beloved, my forgiveness is much greater than the unforgiveness of men who are often unlike me in their hearts. Greater AM I in you than what you have imagined. This is your new day. (1 John 1:9, Ephesians 4:32, Isaiah43:25)