Copyright 2018 Theresa Harvard Johnson
Understanding the ministry of the prophetic scribe is a game-changer for the apostolic-prophetic community. It opens us to a deep well of unlocking fresh revelation and resources that act as the glue in putting things surrounding administration, creativity, and instruction together through the Scriptures.
It also helps us redefine what we have believed about the function of the scribe through the scriptures. As we embrace this dispensation of the Gospel, let us identify areas of the “office of the prophetic scribe” that I believe the Lord is opening up in the earth today.
This is the century for revealing the secrets and the mysteries of the calling of the prophetic scribe.
1. PROPHETIC scribal ministry is restoring the value of scribal work, scribal heritage, scribal impact, and scribal ministry to the congregation. It is reversing the negative “system of thinking” that has surrounded scribes for generations and revealing God’s glory and intent.
2. PROPHETIC scribal ministry has renewed purpose in those who have felt overlooked in their gifting and calling in the earth.
3. PROPHETIC scribal ministry has caused believers to not be ashamed of “being educated” or knowledgeable in their scholarly pursuits or metrons.
4. PROPHETIC scribal ministry is revealing the value of academic study combined with revelatory insight in the Body of Christ. Specifically, it is bringing tremendous reconciliation in science, medicine, technology, entertainment, finance, education, etc. These areas are increasing in revelation as well as practical application in areas of the congregation traditionally closed to their relevance.
5. PROPHETIC scribal ministry is activating a resurgence in documentation, preservation, record keeping, archiving, data collecting, research, etc. in areas and communities where it has been forgotten, ignored, or undervalued. A love for history, especially as it relates to lineage and legacy, is being restored.
6. PROPHETIC scribal ministry (particularly the office of the scribe) is being revealed as a central catalyst for expanding previous understanding of apostolic and prophetic ministry. It is revealing itself as a “prophetic force and discipline” long hidden, overlooked in the body.
7. PROPHETIC scribal ministry is revealing itself as an intricate part of Ephesians 4:11 ministry as the Lord redefines and expands on the gift of the teacher. While the order of the scribe was exposed and dismantled by Christ (Matthew 23), a new mandate was released and revealed (Matthew 23:34).
8. PROPHETIC scribal ministry is restoring honor and respect for the people who have been and are awakening to the scribal call. It has given greater purpose to them, especially those in the creative arenas who have experienced limited religious understanding in this area.
9. PROPHETIC scribal ministry is growing in recognition and affirmation as one of the most important catalysts to recording, managing and preserving natural and supernatural lineage and legacy in the prophetic church.
10. PROPHETIC scribal ministry is returning the heart of local congregations to the biblical principle and significance of EDUCATION through academic and spiritually based schools. Congregations are experiencing a resurgence in bringing education back to the congregational environment.
****** For more information about the ministry of the scribe, check out this groundbreaking book: The Scribal Anointing: Scribes Instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven” by Theresa Harvard Johnson at