Released February 20, 2018
Released through Theresa Harvard Johnson
I heard this: Some hindrances in your life WILL NOT BREAK until we begin walking out the little things! What if that healing you’ve been waiting years for was held up in the PEN on your desk or the PAINT brush in your cabinet. I have WRITTEN-MYSELF-FREE from so much BONDAGE….!!! I have gained so much CONFIDENCE from the books God BLEW THROUGH ME! I have tapped into so much joy from my OWN ART! David said… SOMETIMES I HAVE TO ENCOURAGE MYSELF! What if he was speaking of not only talking GOOD to himself… but the active ENGAGEMENT of his art… and music… and song… in his personal private time. Even building the ministry entrusted to me BROUGHT MASSIVE HEALING….
Not everything is dependent on a healing line and a prophetic word! Prayer requires ACTS… ACTS…. ACTS….!!!!!! We have things on the INSIDE that are dormant… that HOLD THE BALM OF GILEAD FOR US….
EMPTY YOURSELF… scribes of the King! That’s what I heard the Lord say today! RUN THE INK out of the PENS… RUN THE PAINT out of the paint brush until its DRY! #writeyourselffree #thescribalrealm