The Scribal Realm of Dreams & Visions is the “area” in the dream realm in which scribe’s access heavenly treasure for “scribal release” in the earth. Those who are assigned to this heavenly realm always exit the dream realm with an urgency to write and/or record what they sense, see, experience or hear.
What makes the dream realm “scribal” is that the prophetic scribe consistently accesses and reveals “scribal related projects” in this way. There are many dreamers who are obedient to write or record what they experience. Then, there are those dreamers who are compelled and commanded to write or record they see and experience. The latter is the greatest difference because these scribes are ASSIGNED to the supernatural realm.
Many of their dream and vision encounters will involve dream experiences that might include: (1) the opening of scrolls and books; (2) visions of pens and other writing instruments; (3) being handed scrolls by angels; (4) direct encounters with Christ placing books and scrolls in their hands or in their presence; (5) hearing dreams (no visuals), just waking up writing; (6) sudden bursts of intercession that lead to a sudden push to write; (7) seeing words in the dream realm; (8) seeing props, wardrobes, scenes from movies and plays walked out; and so much more. In my own dream life, I would see a blackboard appear with writing on it.
While these experiences may seem strange to some dreamers and those who have open visions, it is the NORMAL and CONSISTENT ACTIVITY of those who live and exist in the Scribal realm. From this realm, great deposits are made in the life of the dreamer. Like Solomon, God will grant wisdom and release multiple writings and books; and as the scribe nurtures that gift, those books will unfold over the course of that scribe’s life.
The Scribal Realm of Dreams & Visions unlocks the Matthew 13:52 “treasure house” things fresh, new and from ancient of days.
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