Copyright 2019 Theresa Harvard Johnson
Being a part of a circus can cause us to form all kinds of unhealthy soul ties with the flesh of our idols (even if the idol is self). Our response to idolatry can be so strong that feelings of guilt, false obligation and this place of “thinking you are betraying someone” (which are all lies) take SEVERE HOLD of your soul when it relates to people or institutions that we idolize. The thought of giving it up is as strong as an addiction to drugs or pornography.
Many of us are experts at choosing which sins are worse — not realizing that some of the people and systems we idolize are equally as wicked.
I know, I’ve been there…. and every day I have to stay on point with my mirror reflection to prevent myself from building NEW idols or reinforcing old ones. Overcoming idolatry REALLY IS A LIFE LONG battle. We must make sure we are not trading ONE IDOL for a replacement idolatry.
There are some truths we must face as it relates to the circus.
1. If you RECOGNIZE circus activity in your life and around you, then you have one requirement: Separate yourself from the unrepentant circus. Sometimes it is a system… and while you are praying “for them,” you are still responsible for YOUR SELF. Coming from among them applies to “the circus as well” because it is as much a sinful environment as anything else.
2. Breaking ungodly soul ties can be excruciating. I have found it helpful to not only identify and denounce them, but to ask for a supernatural exchange in the process. I’ve literally cried out to the Lord for an attachment and depth of relationship with Him that becomes greater than the soul tie. Holy Spirit is quick to answer a prayer like that… and instruct you on how to fill those dark places in your heart with the Lord’s salt and light.
3. We must SEE that we are betraying the Lord by placing other God’s before Him. We should never have a love for people that supersedes the Lord’s righteousness. We can use the same process as mentioned above…as part of our freedom process.
People will love you… AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT TOUCH THEIR IDOLS. We must begin with the circus in us… and cause it to be an INTOLERABLE environment for our souls. Until WE HATE IT… as the Lord hates it… we will always be in bondage to the world of men. Forsaking all… means forsaking all…
Choose THIS DAY….