Copyright 2018 Theresa Harvard Johnson
Updated 2020
There can be many obstacles blocking our path to successful book marketing and promotions as prophetic scribes. I believe one of those obstacles is reconciling how we view success.
There is so much pressure to be a public success and make tons of money. The publishing world around us in both sacred and secular environments have expectations that do not often fit well within our prophetic dimension.
We really need to reconcile this truth at prophetic scribes. This statement is not a limitation, but an opportunity to consider success from all avenues of our calling.
Doing so will help us develop a marketing and promotions plan that fits our spiritual objectives while also benefiting from our effort.
Prophetic scribes publish “first” for an audience of one. This simply means that our intention is to please the Lord. We also understand that the Lord has a people for his message. Our role is to clear the way for people to connect with that message.
Finally, there the ultimate moment of truth: Recognizing that what defines success for one person may not define success for another. Not everyone will achieve Oprah-level success. In fact, most writers will not.
Yet, prophetic scribe called to publish books has a divine role to play in the Kingdom.
Exodus 18:25 has the potential to set us free if we can receive it, and prepare us for our divine assignments. It states, “Moses chose able men out of all Israel and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.” (AMPC)
Some prophetic scribes must embrace the tens. You see, what if you are writing for “the one” and not the millions. That impact of the one could far exceed that of the crowd today. Being prophetic requires a different type of thinking and planning!
To move us toward the path of publishing for “prophetic” purpose, I want to ask you this simple question: How do you define success within your calling and ministry?
Not only do we want to reach our audience for our message, but we also want to maximize our financial success. It can be done! To set us on that path as prophetic scribes, I want to challenge you to take some time, even days, to meditate on this question.
In doing so, consider the following truths:
1. Success is subjective. Its definition is always based on what it means to you, not what everyone else says it is. For me, a life free of drama and saturated in the ability to influence others positively defines success for me. It is my center of contentment at the end of the day. Everything else is a bonus. Determine what your INNER LIFE end-game will look like.
2. Success requires pursuit, extreme endurance, mind-shifts, endurance, and determination. It is work! It also centered on achievable plans. For me, I needed to overcome limitations that I couldn’t control like caring for a loved one, limited time, and resources. I had to be okay doing what I was able to do. As long as you are giving your best effort, that’s enough.
3. Success requires climate change. Create the climate for your success – especially in your OWN MIND and the relationships you place around you. Connect with people who have and are achieving their “inner and/or outward success” not just talking about it.
4. Success is rarely what is seen outwardly. It is who you are to God, to yourself and who you become to those whose lives you impact! I’ve had to learn this. If it was what WE SEE… then people who achieve it outwardly would be happy right? This year alone, I’ve seen the perception of success commit suicide, turn to drugs, and speak of tremendous loneliness and despair. I’ve read countless articles and heard too many stories not to listen. Outward success cannot give you inner peace and joy.
5. Success is IDENTITY! Whew! I wish I had learned this sooner. If I could share one piece of advice with every person under 35 I meet, it would be this: “Learn who you are in Christ as YOU… just you.” It’s a terrible thing to live your whole life and NEVER know who you are or to define yourself by a project. Your project is an extension of you and for authors, it represents one of the messages Christ has placed in you.
6. Success is faith! It is standing in agreement with God’s vision for your assignment. It is having tremendous, unwavering HOPE for what is realistically achievable for you in the accountable lives we live for Christ.
7. Success is freedom. It is FREEDOM when we understand that it comes from the “inside-out,” not the “outside-in.” Freedom is not from “you trying” but from you “being your best representation” of a finisher. It is recognizing the abundance that we have inherited from Christ, and our ability to apply what we learn consistently. It is the freedom to make mistakes and rise above them.
8. Success is IMPACT! In the Christ-life, it is to be received, shared, taught, transferred, released, given, imparted, imitated, etc. There must be meaningful, intentional, and measurable efforts to obtain impactful outcomes. What is changing for the better? Are you celebrating small victories? Where is your thankfulness? How can you continuously initiate change? That impact is designed around what “success looks like” to you.
9. Success is LAYERED! It exists on a line-upon-line, precept upon precept continuum. It builds and expands! It stretches from the tangible to the intangible and not necessarily in that order. So, we have to look for it in parts… and sometimes in bits and pieces as it takes form, takes shape. Sometimes it is invisible to others and very visible to you.
10. Success rides on MOMENTUM. It’s why athletes continuously train. You are an athlete in your scribal efforts. Exercising your plan keeps the success process in motion – mental, physical, spiritual… and natural.
11. Success understands that the cost is worth it. Christ is the best teacher of this principle. Period. You see, what looked like a failure on the cross was actually EXTREME, LASTING success within His defined purpose. As Sons of God, this is one of the most valuable lessons on success we can obtain from the message of the scriptures as I see it.
12. Success demands a clear vision. You must SEE YOURSELF in that place of fulfillment. This is non-negotiable. This was so difficult for me in the beginning. But with a practice of speaking, thinking, and “moving” toward your goals with a solid plan and affirmation in the process, things change… and your vision is clarified.
YOU are your best cheerleader. Successful people do not build dreams around support or the lack of support. They build them around FAITH… and HOPE in what they see.
2 Peter 1:2-4, “2Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. 3His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. 4Through these He has given us His precious and magnificent promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature….”