Adobe Stock photo. Used with permission.
Copyright 2020 Theresa Harvard Johnson
That’s what the United States has rooted in its history.
If we let history books and text books stand as they have in our educational institutions… both secular and sacred… that is all we would have— perceptions of history that are exclusive.
One of the MAJOR roles of scholarly “prophetic” scribes is to create inclusive histories for generations. The story of GOD in the scriptures… not just “the people of God”…..but God himself includes his love, effort, wrath, loss, victory, etc. and we even see “GOD” reflecting and working things out.
If there is one thing believers can learn from that is the importance of the journey. God has a journey and he made sure we saw it… knew it…. and the journey of the people He came to heal, deliver and set free…. reunite.
Let’s stop telling people to forget THE PAST.
What’s really being said in those kinds of statements is this: I don’t want to deal with the past! I only want to remember my fantasy, the truth painted for me.
If this is unacceptable (the keeping of secrets) in families, and if it can destroy marriages and friendships, surely it can destroy a nation.
Acknowledgement of the past (inclusive histories, the opening up) is the beginning of healing the present. The uncovering of SECRETS is the beginning of shining light. Some things the Body of believers should know and understand.
How do we know? Well, most curriculums only tell part of the story from long standing seminaries to the best private schools in the nation concerning the history of our country and the history of the church in America.
Much change is taking place in the earth right NOW beyond what the eyes are focusing on…. and can see.
Opportunities that are opening up are re-writing history on many levels and in many forms as far education is concerned. The history for the alpha generation will look different than it did for us… as DARKNESS TURNS TO LIGHT.
What we don’t understand … they will.
The Lord is CLEANING HOUSE in the midst of all that is before us… and he healing the land in ways WE HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! The horrific clouds of injustice and the cries of Able’s blood… are reaching the reality of God’s promises.
Things will NEVER go back to THE normal so many are longing for… because it was never normal, it was wicked… illusionary. Let the real congregation continue to be revealed.
#darknesstolight #chamberofthescribe