September 8, 2020
The more I learn about the resurrected Christ, the more in awe I stand of the perfected Bride the scripture declares. In the same breath, I grow to despise the imitation of it made at the hands of men (John 8:39-47). I find myself crying out daily that this heart of mine be found within the Bride.
It is easier to lose focus than many believe.
It is easy to forget that as Sons, we are not only in a marriage covenant with Christ – but with one another. Yes, I have written about this recently but today, I am hearing it even louder.
Father said to me, “Where are the Sons who are fighting for their marriage to one another? Right now, many are fighting for their perspective… not the solidarity of the family unit. Which cause has become greater?”
Every day, I get up… and I say to God, "I'm going to fight even if those around me don't understand what I'm fighting for or the way that I am fighting." (Some people judge your style of warfare because it doesn't look like their preferred method.)
I still believe it is ironic that so many have this profound level of understanding concerning marriage but can’t make any sense of the bride and bridegroom relationship in everyday interactions with one another.
It's crazy! It's a depth of blindness that is unimaginable in the day of revelation and access to spiritual things that we have before us.
Even in all our quoting of submission scriptures and point proving, we miss the ultimate mandate of connecting with one another in the eternal marriage covenant of Ephesians 5:24, “NOW as THE CHURCH SUBMITS to Christ, SO ALSO…”
WHEW! Just that part brought me to my knees this morning…. in my own private repentance.
Marriage comes with a profound burden-bearing commitment.
When my husband and I counsel others, we talk to them about offense, forgiveness, sacrifice, covenant, loving beyond emotion, negotiating, compromising, the good of the family, long-suffering, endurance, communication, etc.
We share our 33-years of growth, development, and overcoming trials in our relationship.
If we can fight for marriage in earth with SOUND DOCTRINE, how reflective is this of what Christ has labored over for the remnant that has entered into an eternal marriage covenant? Is not the ideal marriage a reflection of our supernatural interactions with one-another in the Spirit? Is it not the prime example of SPIRIT-LIFE in Christ? Is it not the reflection of Jesus's prayer that we are one?
I awoke with Gal 6:1-2 ringing in my hearing.
It reads, “Brethren if a man is [a]overtaken in any trespass, YOU WHO ARE SPIRITUAL RESTORE SUCH A ONE IN THE SPIRIT OF GENTLENESS, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 2 BEAR ONE ANOTHER’S BURDEN, AND SO FULFILL ALL THE WORK OF THE LAW.”
At the end of the day, all trespass can be forgiven. That's a resurrection truth… not a man-made one no matter the circumstance.
NO SIDE CAN WIN trying to force the will of the other. At some point, the MOST MATURE among us (according to scripture) must wake up and realize that our agreement STANDS in entering a covenant where everyone lays down their “rights” to be “right”…and determine that they are going to agree WITH THE LORD.
I’ve had to say this to my husband, “Honey, l am going to let it go. Instead, I’ll focus on what God wants for the two of us right now… in this moment. Can we begin here?” Regardless of the other person's response, I still have to do what the Lord requires of me. And that… is the part that brings us before the Lord in truth.
We need the witness of the spirit, water, and the blood as one among us – not the witness of flesh. Only that witness can empower us to overcome the trespasses of Galatians 6:1-2 in the midst of our relationships.
Only we can admit that SELF has fallen short in battles that will burn up before our Holy Lord. Any concerns outside of the Kingdom will BURN UP.
It's not about everyone right now. It's about YOU. It's about ME in this moment. WHAT LORD, CAN I DO to bear witness to the Spirit, water, and the blood? What can I do to bear the burden of those who trespass in my area of influence?
The SCRIPTURE SAYS “bear one another’s burden”… as this fulfills ALL THE WORK OF THE LAW?
Is this a partial truth or a whole truth that stands on the greatest commandments?
This battle my friend… is MORE WITHIN US… than it will ever be around us. Today, I pray that we choose Christ for real. Saving a marriage is about "both parties" jumping in and risking everything to love at absolutely the greatest capacity in Christ.
We can't continue to pretend to be married to one another. We can't work out a marriage with only one willing party, but we can with the willing. #chamberofthescribe