September 2, 2020
I pray for the day when marginalized people in the congregation will "stand against" these self-appointed "prophetic" voices who earnestly believe they speak for the WHOLE church in the United States.
THEY DO NOT! They speak for the people who "stand in agreement with them" — nothing more, nothing less. In addition, we must remember that the ONLY PERSON who has power and dominion over us is Christ — not another person, people or group. Ever.
May we wake up in this hour… and not be afraid to stand up for what we KNOW is our portion. Nothing like minding your own business and pulling back from this raging circus. Fight for your LIFE… in focusing on Christ alone…
The only bridge we should ever fear burning is the one that leads to HIM. If we can get that truth… nothing else matters. Unfriending me is WAY OKAY…. I am not bothered… #chamberofthescribe #IAMASEED #DenounceTHECircus