Dec. 6, 2014
The Lord said this to me some years ago when I was battling inferiority and unworthiness at epic proportions, "There's such a freedom in having confidence in me beloved. One day you will know what that is." I couldn't see it then. I couldn't even hope for it then.
I honestly don't know when IT WAS lifted or even how, but I do know this: "There is POWER & AUTHORITY in walking in the confidence that God gives. There is an inexpressible TANGIBLE PRESENCE OF THE SPIRIT that constantly reminds us that we are indeed beautifully and wonderfully made.
This confidence has nothing to do with arrogance, pride or any of those sins. It presents an assurance and a level of such PERSONAL prosperity and power that it literally shifts and changes your life, your approach to everything and your WORLDVIEW."
I believe this is an aspect of freedom in God that we are DESTINED to tap into. But I heard Father say: "If my people want to experience TRUE CONFIDENCE in their person-hood and have it overflow into their spiritual walk that they must overcome FEAR… and take every bold step of freedom that I place before them." I heard the Lord say, "I want to teach you to LIVE COURAGEOUSLY in ME."
Father reminded me of just how much the Apostle Paul talked about confidence, the kind God gives. I began to consider his life and I realized that HE HAD TAPPED INTO IT at such vast levels. All of the apostles had tasted it, but Paul's letters provided us a greater opportunity to really dig into the depth of it.
People of God, a "refreshing morning" is indeed before those who pursue freedom. Listen, I have not arrived at the end of this journey. God is yet perfecting and strengthening me…. BUT I THANK GOD DAILY that I am not where I used to be. I so treasure this gift of CONFIDENCE, SURETY IN GOD that is pouring over me…:
I am FREE IN GOD TO BE… who he created ME to be!
People of God, your CONFIDENCE is not of your own making or of anything given to you by men. It is not based on anything we do or have done or will do. It is not based on how we are seen or viewed by others. It is truly, truly, truly…. the CONFIDENCE in CHRIST who dwells richly in us. It is the BELIEF that you have been called for a very specific purpose and that IT IS GOD'S WILL ALONE that you are here…
I pray that the Lord unlocks this place in His people. I pray that we experience in HIM many things that we don't even know we have need of in our lives. I pray that those who have walked through this door, keep walking, learning and growing in the "freedom" of His confidence…. that WE WILL NOT BE HINDERED in God's purposes for us in the earth. Holy Spirit…. do it… #chamberofthescribe