While prophetic scribes are called by God to fulfill their specific assignments, they are also expected to grow, develop and evolve not only in their gifts but in the faith. The beauty of this, however, is that their gifting and calling, can be clear catalysts to their growth… through every assignment, dedicated to the Lord, that comes their way.
By evolution, I am speaking of the transformation of one thing (like a small black, dried watermelon seed) into what it was always meant to be (this large, healthy sweet watermelon full of seeds destined to multiply).
You see, we don’t want to remain a single seed. We want to position ourselves for planting, watering and increase.
The goal is to KEEP DEVELOPING, KEEP EVOLVING… and KEEP INCREASING until we are producers.
Called To Evolve
Evolution is designed for us. But we must nurture our growth, avoid the cracks, and push past our comfort zones at every opportunity.
When I was called as a prophetic scribe, the Lord would jolt me awake in the night from the realm of dreams and visions with prophetic poems and or direct words of prophecy.
Then, I would feel the pressure to speak it, write it, draw it, publish it and so forth. I remember getting comfortable there – and then it all stopped.
Well, it stopped coming that way. Cold Turkey… for a couple of years.
I felt like my whole world was falling apart because I was used to God using me like that UNTIL I recognized that I had evolved… and was being stretched. I had not been abandoned.
God was doing something new that I couldn’t recognize. I was blocked because I LONGED FOR HIM to speak to me ONLY like he did in the past.
I Was Stuck
I was stuck in that “this is how God uses me” place… and I was worshipping it.
FOR ME, I moved from this type of realm to a spirit-led study and blogging realm. I would receive entire articles as a prophetic flow, then sermons, then teachings, then spontaneous teachings, then rivers of books and all while the prophetic flow of prophecy would come before, in the middle or immediately after any of these things.
Then that slowed down.
I caught on that the Lord was moving me into a more deliberate realm where I sought him out, asked questions, read books, sought resources, could trust my leading… and I began activating and stirring the gifts within me without all the spontaneity.
I was in pursuit of God now… learning how to seek Him for specific releases. My capacity to LEARN was increasing and my capacity to teach others by revelation was INCREASING.
Then, I Began to Change
I grew to recognize the importance of partnering with Him, not just waiting for Him to give to me. I WAS CHANGING! A METAMORPHOSIS was happening….
Then one-day, I was walking in and out of all of the areas faced in my journey like we walk in and out of doors. Mastery was upon me… as a scribe. My evolution (growing in Holy Spirit) brought me here.
I had to learn to give up knowing and understanding absolutely everything God was doing in me… and just receive it like a child. In time, understanding would come as long as I didn’t panic because my comfort zones were constantly shifting.
I had to realize that God’s shifting methods were my training ground, but my message and assignment was NOT changing, but expanding.
In MY SITUATION, I had to walk through many areas of THE SCRIBAL ANOINTING because I would one day recognize that I was teaching “the office of the scribe” – a revelation opened up for my purpose.
And I am still learning.
Change Should Be Our Normal
God is still expanding with fresh insight, new language and broader pathways to set the scribal foundations in order.
CHANGE IS GOOD SCRIBES! Being stuck is sometimes PEOPLE FIGHTING CHANGE and not understanding how to JUMP! Sometimes it’s wanting things to continue like you are used to and not face that requires TRANSFORMATION.
Sometimes, it’s overthinking and believing we are supposed to know everything God is doing in and through us at every moment. I am grateful I don’t know sometimes.
Because if I did… I would be looking for it to come a certain way. I would probably be sitting around trying to control it or “make it fit” in a dream, vision or prophecy I had.
I wouldn’t have learned to receive and let go again and again and again.
Sometimes, we must GROW INTO new sight, new places, new understanding. In fact, our scribal callings should be constantly changing into more, greater…
Sometimes…. the rug is being snatched from what we have always known. So instead of fighting God, we have to learn to let go! There is no blueprint for your PERSONAL scribal development… especially in pioneering seasons of your life.