Father, I pray for authentic relationships in the lives of those around me. I pray that I have righteous discernment knowing who is for me and against me, so that I may align myself accordingly.
Teach me, Lord, how to extend healthy love in every relationship around me. Teach me, Lord, how to receive love from every relationship around me.
Father, I declare today that I will no longer look at others through eyes of suspicion and paranoia, thinking the worse FIRST about everyone who comes my way.
I am determined by your power to be healed FULLY FROM THE INSIDE OUT… by learning to forgive, to let go of past hurts and allow you to teach me to trust YOU and those you have sent to help me.
I am determined to have healthy, Christ-centered relationships that reinforce the KIND OF COMMUNITY that will keep me healthy and strong.
I take control RIGHT NOW over my inner thought life. I cast down every high aspect of my imagination that exalts itself above the Word of God. I recognize this is a form of pride and is keeping me in bondage to unhealthy thoughts, imaginations, past replays, bad experiences, shame concerning my actions in relationships, etc.
I openly confess before you, Father, this detrimental thought life. I denounce the false reality in me. I denounce having a critical and negative outlook in my life.
I denounce scapegoating my actions to the enemy. I recognize that as a person thinks so they are. I acknowledge that I am pulled away from righteousness in my thoughts and my life by MY lusts.
I confess my misaligned thinking and confused perspectives. I let go of my justifications and declare that you are giving me the mind of Christ. I let go of my need to be justified in my own life and submit to the washing of my heart and mind by the power of your truth that is alive in the living Word and the life of Holy Spirit inside my temple right now.
I repent.
I reject the lies that I tell myself, known and unknown.
I reject the knowledge built from my own understanding and false, powerless counsel. It is your understanding that is needed.
I give myself to study your word concerning friendships and relationships. I declare that I want to see myself in these relationships as I am… versus who I perceive myself to be.
Strip ungodly relationships from my life! Whoever and wherever they are, I let them go in Jesus’ name. I understand that you declare, “Bad company ruins good morals.” (1 Cor 15:33)
FATHER! I only want what you want for me. I only want the relationships you desire for me. TAKE WHAT IS NOT GOOD FOR ME THAT IS SET TO CAUSE ME HARM… OUT OF MY LIFE…
Father, break any ungodly and unhealthy soul ties off of my life.
For the marrieds: I thank you for knitting me with my spouse in a deeper, healthier relationship.
For the unmarried: I thank you for my righteous path with my future spouse whom you have knitted rightly for me.
I pray that all other relationships in my life are free from the SIN OF ENMESHMENT and that I recognize the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships.
I denounce demonic pacts, agreements, conversations, and counsels that ENMESH ME psychologically, and physically and create webs of exclusion and “oneness” akin to witchcraft, control, and manipulation. If this is in my life HOLY SPIRIT… tear it down whether in girlfriend clicks, bro relationships OR among my family MEMBERS.
Break into pieces and shatter all relational ties that are not good for me that I have created and/or people have created for me.
May I recognize that only you Lord, and my spouse should hold unique kinds of closeness in my life that extends beyond healthy friendship… and offers that level of emotional intimacy obased on Kingdom principles. Break any bonds made – words, declarations, deeds, actions, trauma bonding – that will compromise or is compromising my soul and poisoning new friendships, existing friendships around me.
Teach me, Father, how to show myself friendly. Cause me to be aware of any fickleness, pettiness, lack of engagement, the strangeness of attitude that I might not be aware has knitted itself to me in my brokenness… so that correction comes within my cognizant and capable awareness. Heal my attitude, perceptions, and change my behaviors to fit your likeness, image.
I confess that PETTINESS is not an attribute you carry. As a son of the most MOST HIGH GOD this is not a persona, an avatar of the Spirit that I should embrace or behold. Set me free from justification in this area.
I declare emotional intelligence over myself in Jesus’ name. I pray that I can learn to be youthful but not childish and childlike but age appropriate. Help me, Father, walk as a mature adult WITH YOUR WISDOM AND REASONING AND CRITICAL THINKING… and lay down the deceptive patterns of thinking and concerns common to this world.
- I renounce reality show mindsets.
- I renounce celebrity mindsets.
- I renounce gossip mentalities.
- I renounce frivolous concerns and focus.
- I renounce imaginary relationships.
- I renounce idolatry and false relationships.
FATHER, I denounce overreading kindness in certain situations and making it into something else. Help me MATURELY see relationships for what they are, not what I imagine or perceive.
FATHER, I denounce misreading social cues. I want to accept friendship as it is extended and not read more into it than is actually there.
FATHER, I cast down weird and strange romanticism in my mind. I cast down assumptions and strange fascinations in Jesus’ name.
FATHER, I cast down competition, stalking, and DESPERATION in relationships in Jesus’ Name. You have called me TO BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING… and that includes my relational ideas.
FATHER, I forgive those who sabotaged my friendships, business partnerships, ministry relationships, and mentoring relationships as a recipient or from a leadership perspective.
I repent for causing and allowing relational rejection to lead or guide my decisions and movements. I let this go… and I PRAY for my enemies and ask that you bless them with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding… and keep them all their lives in wisdom, repentance and in truth.
I CHOOSE forgive because they do not know what they do.
I pray, FATHER, that those you send my way for relationship see who you have called me to be in their lives without interference, drama, or chaos. Give me wisdom on how to enter relationships and leave them. Send people willing to fight for friendship, relationship, and connection in its supernatural design.
Send the kind of relationships in my life where people are broken BEFORE YOU FIRST… and open to conviction concerning how they love you and love one another. Father, May I be light, love, and revelation to them in demonstrating you in Jesus’ name.
May I understand that according to your word that ONLY YOU HOLD THE WORDS OF LIFE! May I know your WORD so deeply that relational deception cannot snare me.
May I know friendship in its purity. May I remain humble and appropriate in my friendships. May I set boundaries in every relationship that comes my way that represents YOUR HEART FOR ME… and never place myself in bondage again.
May I lift up my prayers from my seated place of becoming likeness and image daily, and not from the lower place of WARRING AGAINST what I alone hold power to change in my life with faith, declarations, and the tools you have given me to mature.
May I rise above every LEGITIMATE attack my relationships face and WILLINGLY LET GO of every falsity YOU IDENTIFY in the relationships around me. May I HEAR AND RECEIVE TRUTH I do not want to hear for the continuous renewal of my soul.