I meet Christians who do both – by choice. I do believe, however, that God’s design for every believer is to be “ALL IN” for Him. I believe this part is what the Scripture teaches regardless of the opinion and ideas of people, their intellect, or belief.
If you have read any of my books, then you know this is a conversation about “living IN Christ” or being in a religion and wearing the t-shirt with no depth or conversion (carnality).
I go hard on this topic in my books The Scribal Anointing, Literary Evangelism, and Spiritually Critiquing. It is easy to write what we want, and it may even be good quality and a decent message contrived of the soul, but in the School of the Scribe, we focus on living by God’s breath, helping others get to that place… and live life from it!
Jesus lived a life of doing and saying what the Father did and said. The bottom line FOR EVERY BELIEVER is that this should be our goal as well… if we are TRULY LIVING by the very breath of God.
When working on my professional writing graduate degree, I bought the book: “Writing in Obedience: A primer for Christian Fiction Writers.”
Instead of BEING A CHRIST writer (writing from God’s breath), this book leans into ways to INCORPORATE GOD into what YOU WANT TO WRITE.
To be honest, this is the reason why I separated myself from so many Christian writing groups… because this is not Kingdom. It troubled me that their lack of identity in their realm, left them in a condition of thinking “their ideas” are equal to God… and that all they have to do is have a Bible verse or a Christian concept to make it okay.
The prophetic writing realm, is a realm that SIMPLY SAYS… I HAVE DECIDED TO CONSECRATE MY GIFT TO GOD, GIVE HOLY SPIRIT RULE OVER ME.. so I can produce what is worthy of my Lord as I stand as a Kingdom citizen.
It is God’s will that I AM ONE WITH HIM, not a divided soul. Living in and writing in our own leading ONLY WORKS when our desire really and truly matches His.
My book, Spiritually Critiquing, has worksheets and exercises that help us walk through this… AND BE RECONCILED on a level that extends beyond a verbal faith confession of salvation.
So, I use the term prophetic writer. It isn’t just about “the how” God speaks. It is about being a yielded vessel to WHAT HE DESIRES TO SPEAK to and through us.
Too many times in this realm we nurture THE SOUL OF PEOPLE instead of the SPIRIT OF GOD IN PEOPLE. IT IS THE SPIRIT IN US… that needs cultivation so our inner being can be renewed and become one with God.
I had to walk away from these groups early on because this was not a convo many wanted to have in the Christian writing community.
Writing by the spirit isn’t a STYLE of writing. Rather, it is the LIFESTYLE of living in the Spirit.
Choose THIS DAY…
Christian writer skilled
Writer Spirit led writer
The end game is this: “In our faith, people who are extremists in the writing realm HAVE A CALLING. If there is a calling there is also a SPIRIT LED STREAM… they are destined to cultivate that is beyond themselves.”
Yes, I have written fiction. I do understand foundations in that realm although instruction is my primary writing position today.
We might use terms like prophetic, apostolic, scribal prophetic, etc. but it simply means “deliberately representing” our Lord and making it known that we are SEEKING His way.
SEEKING HIM causes HIS WAY to be found. Period.
It is a life state, not a move at our convenience and for our own motives.