September 2, 2020
I pray for the day when marginalized people in the congregation will "stand against" these self-appointed "prophetic" voices who earnestly believe they speak for the WHOLE church in the United States.
September 2, 2020
I pray for the day when marginalized people in the congregation will "stand against" these self-appointed "prophetic" voices who earnestly believe they speak for the WHOLE church in the United States.
Dec. 26, 2016
I heard this specifically relating to writing about past trauma: Beloved, this is the season that I am calling you out of the shadows of the past and into the present in your writing (books, poems, plays, skits, songs, etc.). I have opened heaven over your desire to release this testimony, causing it to flow with ease from you. I have placed every resource in place to meet your obedience. Rise to the occasion of this clarion call.
Dec. 6, 2014
The Lord said this to me some years ago when I was battling inferiority and unworthiness at epic proportions, "There's such a freedom in having confidence in me beloved. One day you will know what that is." I couldn't see it then. I couldn't even hope for it then.
I honestly don't know when IT WAS lifted or even how, but I do know this: "There is POWER & AUTHORITY in walking in the confidence that God gives. There is an inexpressible TANGIBLE PRESENCE OF THE SPIRIT that constantly reminds us that we are indeed beautifully and wonderfully made.
August 26, 2019
Father, I HAVE SINNED AGAINST YOU.. be merciful and heal me (Psalm 41:4). (This is what a contrite heart looks like.)
Forgive me for placing PEOPLE (spouses, children, friendships, mentors, leaders, etc), PLACES (churches, businesses, institutions, governments, nations, etc.) and THINGS (money, popularity, physical appearance, influence, popularity, platforms, books, ideologies, philosophies, politics, food, etc.) before you making them idols. (Exodus 20:2, Deut. 5:6, 1 John 5:21, 1 Thess 1:9)
June 19, 2020
We pick and choose our idols.
Everyone of us!
The battle for righteousness against self is something else. Paul said this in Romans 7:19, “I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.” He shows us that every SOUL fights against its idols, high places. He reminds us that we must vigorously work out our faith with fear and trembling.