When we become the poem that the "LORD" gives us, we become beacons of light before men. We radiate the word of the Lord – not just in lip service – but in our very lives. We live what we write; and what we write reflects how we live. If a poet's writing style is…
Category: Article History
Have you become the poem? (2)
I’m preparing for a corporate luncheon today. The prophetic flow is so heavy on me right now I cannot even contain myself. So I am coming back to the computer briefly to post this message. My brothers and sisters in Christ sat around the fireplace on Tuesday night with our spiritual father, and talked about the Lord …
My spirit has been on fire ever since.
You know, there are so many INSTRUCTORS in the world today. This isn’t a bad thing, but when I look around and see all the people who connect with me who are hurting and in need of healing, I say to myself — where are the instructors who are willing to “father.” I don’t mean become a father — but who are willing to walk with someone until they reach a place where they are strong in the Lord and can stand on their own.
The Denial of the Name of Jesus (2)
One of the greatest tactics that the enemy uses today is the "denial of the name of Jesus." Most people, even those who profess to be Christians, would prefer to pray or decree simply using the term "God or Father" … but omitting the power that comes from simply uttering the name, "JESUS." Scribes of…
Are you an assignment dropper? (2)
Copyright 2006 Theresa Harvard Johnson
(Written for members of the The Scribal Anointing Online Group.)
The ministers of the ministerial fellowship I am a part of had a powerful prayer and mentoring session last night. We studied in-depth concerning the power of the seemingly simplest prayer in the bible — Ma-tt-h-ew 6:9-12:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Stifled By Immaturity: Part I (2)
Immaturity is defined as: Youth; the condition of being immature or not fully grown Some Characteristics of Spiritual Immaturity: 1. Unable to Pray 2. Church Hopping 3. Easily Offended 4. Negative thought patterns 5. Easily misled 6. Easily persuaded to walk outside God's will 7. Follows emotions 8. Struggle to distinquish between right from wrong…