Dr. Kluane Spake, Author
Reviewed by Theresa Harvard Johnson
As ministry leaders, we can find ourselves operating in prophetic ministry with limited training, instruction, guidance and insight. It is not uncommon to minister in these arenas with people whose understanding and insight is pretty much at the same level as yours. After all, many prophetic people travel in circles… and often don’t recognize when their “circle” stops growing in progressive revelation. Some may even live in the same community; have probably taken similar classes on the prophetic and have read some of the most popular books available today which, more or less, repeat information.
If you are reading this book review, you are probably seeking MORE understanding concerning the prophetic as well.
While searching the web on this topic one day, I stumbled across a book entitled, “Apostolic Guidelines to Release the Prophetic” by Dr. Kluane Spake. I ordered it immediately, and read it cover-to-cover within days of its arrival. That was over six months ago and it has significantly impacted my life. I have since reread it; but this time, I combed through the pages highlighting key areas, taking extensive notes and studying out certain aspects deeper in the scriptures. (I have a growing notebook dedicated to what I have learned and received from my study.)