Prophetic writing is distinctively different from general Christian writing on many levels. This is not a place of being better but having a more refined intention and focus concerning how they hear the Lord.
Category: General Information
Good Friday: I Want To Know Him
It’s heartwarming that on Good Friday, despite our many differences, we come together across denominations and borders to recognize Christ’s purpose.
The Desert & The Oasis Are The Same to God
The Lord is with us in both the desert and the oasis. To Him the two are the same.
Thank you Queen Cicely Tyson!
Image/Copyright New York Times. I do not own the right to this image and make no claim to this image in any way.
Copyright 2021 Theresa Harvard Johnson
Thank you!
These two words of gratitude are my salute to the life you lived as a woman, a mother, a black woman, a pioneer in television and film, an outspoken voice against injustice… and an anomaly of grace that rested on your shoulders like the brilliance of diamonds.
I watched you from afar… never having the privilege to grace your bigger than life persona in any personal setting. But I smile often now, thinking you were one of those super heroines that would live forever in the earth.
Learning from Mr. Boseman’s Life
Copyright 2020 Theresa Harvard Johnson
Image copyright The New York Times
I deeply appreciate that Mr. Chadwick Boseman kept his private life PRIVATE. The shock across social media speaks volumes to me.
After all, the culture of the world today is one of excessive nosiness and commentary.
I love that we did not know he was battling cancer. The only thing people would do anyway would make it gossip, release conjecture, draw tabloid conclusions and keep the diagnosis before him day and night in the media – with crazy memes, gossip talk show rags, and on the lips of coffee tables around the country.
I appreciate How profound His public silence spoke after His death. He declared from a high place: “Only those who love me and are invested in my life need know that I am dying.”