Listen to this prophecy online at The School of the Scribe’s Youtube Channel. Released through Theresa Harvard Johnson The Lord released this to me this morning about American Sign Language and Prophetic Dance. He is consistently speaking to me about how the people of God are being thrust into “MASTERY” — a place of specializing….
Category: Scribal Prophecy
In this section, Scribes of the King can read Scribal Prophecy, prophetic words of direction, instruction and encouragement that has been released through the ministry over the years. It also provides students within our scribe school to see how the ministry has grown over the past two decades.
Scribal Prophets & Prophecy: The Psalmist Is Advancing
Released through Theresa Harvard Johnson November 29, 2015: The Lord released this to me this morning about American Sign Language (ASL) and Prophetic Dance. He is consistently speaking to me about how the people of God are being thrust into "MASTERY" — a place of specializing. He is really moving us AT AN ACCELERATED PACE…
Word of the Lord: Confronting the Babylonian Assimilation of the Scribe
Copyright 2014 Theresa Harvard Johnson
Insight Before the Prophetic Word
In Voices of Christ, we talk extensively about the influence of Babylon on scribal ministry and the arts. The term Babylon as we use it, simply refers to the world system, its deep rooted idolatry and unrelenting thrust to evangelize souls to facilitate blindness.
As a young boy probably around the age of 14, Daniel confronted this obstacle head on. He was taken into captivity in the physical city of Babylon by Ashpenaz, a chief official over the eunuchs who also served as a high ranking Babylonian scribe in King Nebuchadnezzar’s court (Daniel 1:3). Daniel, was an aristocrat, even at that young age – wealthy and educated. More importantly, however, he was (1) fully rooted in his identity in God; (2) knew the Word of God; and (3) he walked in an unshakeable level of wisdom, understanding and discernment. So though Daniel was indeed physically imprisoned by the world system, he existed in total and complete freedom and dominion in God in the Spirit.
If ever there was a young man who was prepared to embrace this kind of captivity, it was Daniel.
You will write about “secret sins!”
Copyright 2009 Theresa Harvard Johnson Revelations 12:11 (The Complete Jewish Bible), "They defeated him because of the Lamb's blood and because of the message of their witness. Even when facing death they did not cling to life." In the season before us, the Lord is unleashing prophetic writers who will release TESTIMONY that confronts…
Word of the Lord: Understanding the Timing & Seasons in Books
Copyright 2009 Theresa Harvard Johnson
Reprint available only with written permission
(Also review, the timing and seasons of Dreams & Visions)
Have you ever wondered why your book projects don’t just take off? Or why you have this phenomenal flow of writing one day, and then weeks pass by before you ever write again? Well, in the world system people will say you have writer’s block; but in the realm of the SPIRIT OF THE LORD, this meaning can be so much deeper.
This isn’t a very long note, but I wanted to bring some things to your attention that you may want to consider when the Lord places books in your heart. We are not talking about any type of Christian writing, but “prophetic” writing.
Now, there are many here who are writing books and other things — but not all of them are inspired by the Holy Spirit. This isn’t necessarily negative, it just places your projects in focus. For example, some of the articles I wrote in the past were articles I was “hired” to write — mostly author profiles, interviews and such. While I had the skill and know-how, I can honestly say they were not “inspired by God” — but rather part of my job description.
When we talk about “prophetic writings,” we are only speaking of those projects FROM HEAVEN that have been pulled down into our spirit for the purpose of earthly release to accomplish a Godly goal. The notes below are tailored for THESE types of writings. When people think “prophetic, they often think of the supernatural or something indepthy deep and spiritual. Well, we ARE talking about the supernatural… but the writings in and of themselves simply convey the will of God as already documented in His Word.
So, as you move forth in the things of God and find yourself getting frustrated; or not understanding what is going on inside you or with your project — consider these points that I’ve mentioned below. YOU ARE a prophetic writer. So unlike other writers, your directions and instructions MUST come from the spirit.