Beloved, do you not know that your very life is a miracle? I chose YOU long before you considered or chose me. I decided to bring your soul from heaven to earth. I numbered your days before any days for you existed. I declare that YOU have always been mine. And even now, I am standing with you through this trial, circumstance. I am standing with you in the midst of mercy, grace… extending my hand.
Category: Prophecy 2017
Prophetic Word: Vindication from Misunderstandings, Confusion
Released Sunday, March 5
Theresa Harvard Johnson
I heard this word today. It followed a vision in which I saw a woman returning home after a lengthy estrangement from family. It was as if she had been gone for decades. This I know: This word is not just for people who are saved. It is a catalyst for freedom for those who are believers to receive greater freedom, and evidence of God’s grace and love for those who need to make a decision to follow Christ… to believe in their hearts.
This is a season of vindication for you. The misunderstandings and confusion that has caused you such great pain is being cleared up, pushed away. I am exposing the deceit behind it all and clearing your name. The obstacles blocking the view of my truth have been removed so those affected can see clearly and stand repentant. I am vindicating time lost. I am softening hardened hearts.
Academic Scribes and The Scribal Anointing
Theresa Harvard Johnson
Some have fought diligently to bring things to the surface… but have had little success. I announce to you that I have chosen people whose work is known in other arenas and have anointed them for specific projects that have long been neglected and have not been properly archived, researched and released with full truth. No longer will your work be ruled out as conspiracy theories! As these projects unfold in the coming weeks, months and years, many will have their hearts and minds opened to truths that have long been denied. Giving many the tools needed to properly respond in the timing I have set forth…
Prophecy: Released from the Effects of False Prophecy
Released February 18, 2017
Theresa Harvard Johnson
Beloved, I am causing some to become more acutely aware of the release of false prophecy into their lives. No longer will my people measure their days or guide their actions by lies. The revealing of truth will set you free.
I am causing you to examine closely what you see and hear concerning your life. I am reteaching you how to discern releases understood as prophetic. Get ready for an increase and instant witness of a word; as well as recognizing Holy Spirit check’s that all is not well. Some have taken in much in this season that was not for them and the time to purge is at hand. Some have held on to words that did not come from me and they have hindered your progress. Even now, I am clearing out the confusion.
Prophecy: I AM Rewarding & Repaying You
Released February 12, 2017
Theresa Harvard Johnson
Stop restraining yourself. You have deliberately sought to remain in the background and allow others to shine, even at the expense of your own prosperity and joy. You have taken the resources placed in your hand and used them to push others forward in their destiny and purpose. You have hit pause and I am commanding you to hit play.