A different pespective on an ongoing debate
Copyright 2015 Theresa Harvard Johnson
I received major chastisement from the Lord last week. I found myself jumping on the band wagon about how bad the quality of “Christian movies” are and how they should be better or as good as Hollywood. You know the drill.
You see, Father has raised me in Him to be an exhorter of present day scribes, a mother and mentor in the spirit realm to many – especially as it relates to strengthening them in the calling upon their lives. I find myself standing at the starting lines with pom-poms all the time shouting: YOU CAN DO IT! But this recent realization, left me standing fully repentant. I firmly believe that God has a purpose for every called scribe; and that we, as a body of believers, should do what we can to encourage everyone at all times — no matter what the small beginning might look like. So it became official, I am no longer a part of the “Christian film-killing” bandwagon. This is why.