Copyright 2013 Theresa Harvard Johnson
In a previous article, I was able to address “The Signs of a Prophetic Scribe or a Prophetic Writer” in great detail. Now, it’s time to build upon that foundation and discuss the signs of a scribal prophet. In writing this article, I am making the assumption that you are already aware of the core functions of the office of the prophet so some of those areas may not be mentioned. In addition, most people focus on “prophesying and prophecy” — but also keep in mind that the “administration and instruction” that is released from this office is extremely significant. With that said, there are three additional things that we need to clarify and establish:
1. A scribal prophet is indeed a prophet called and sent by God to operate fully in that Ephesians 4:11 office for the purpose equipping the Body and maturing the saints. This means that those moving in this area should be mature, stable in the faith. The scribal prophet isn’t a separate or different gift from the prophet; rather, it is a distinct function that flows from the foundational call or office that is more prevalent than other areas. In other words, it has become God’s preferred vehicle through which He administrates the office of the prophet in this person’s life.