In Hebrew, this PROFOUND WORD means that He was a COLLECTOR OF SENTENCES. This term is reserved for scribal types who have a clear, defined area of specialty that “concerns itself with the wisdom and weight of God’s words” spoken — particularly as it relates to the relationship between understanding and wisdom.
It is a priestly word that was USED SO RARELY that it is primarily associated with the book of Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. Why? Well, I believe its because Solomon was gifted “for a time” with distinguishing between the THINGS OF THE WORLD and the REALITY OF HEAVEN.
Category: Prophetic Writing
Five Areas of Spiritual Development That Cannot Be Hidden: #3 The Coveting Heart
Coveting is a fanatical desire to own or possess what another person has and/or what they can never have. The catch is this: The person coveting doesn’t want anyone to have “what they are coveting” but them.
So, they enter into emotional, mental and behavioral methods of operation riddled with anger, jealousy, envy, sabotage, manipulation, theft, etc. and a host of other associated sins that may start out subtle… but begin to become visible.
Prophetic Word & Insight: Write in the Light
(I believe this message is for some prophetic writers here who have been hearing words that contradict what most prophetic people are releasing right now. I strongly believe the Lord gave me this to encourage you and to affirm that you are not missing Him in your hearing AND to help confirm your direction in this hour.)
I heard this phrase in the early morning hours during my quiet time with the Lord. Immediately I saw an image of pens in the hands of scribes turning into bright light on pages and the words lifting from them in an expanding radiance – lighting up everything in that space until nothing remained but blinding light.
What makes prophetic writers different?
Here are some thoughts on what make us different or unique in the Christian writing arena? (This list is not about being better than anyone.)
- We give full attention to the voice of God in us over our own ideas.
- We are COMPELLED AND PRESSED to follow the voice of the Lord in all of our publishing projects.
- Our focus is almost exclusively on connecting our message with “the one” who needs us. We understand that meeting a city of one is just as critical as a city of millions. And we press forward.
- We understand that our calling is about HIS message alone.
My Books Speak To Me
Copyright 2020 Theresa Harvard Johnson
People ask me how I write so much and how do I know when it is time to write my books. Here is my answer.
My books speak to me.
- Situations are highlighted in my sight or hearing that demands recording. This begins to happen consistently, relentlessly.
- I wake up from the “scribal” dream realm with whole paragraphs and chapters in my book. Sometimes I SEE the examples I should write about in my dreams.
- I have encounters with God in MY scribal realm of dreams. I literally have a place God takes me in my dreams (heaven) to instruct me. It is a place I write about in my book on the scribal realm of dreams.