1. A new wave of “writing into” history. This release is about “writing textbook quality accounts INTO history.” This isn’t so much about fighting the past as it is clarifying truths of the present and putting in systems, scribal teams and groups that make history that goes untold a priority. 2. Emphasizing the preservation of…
Part I: Holy Spirit is the best book editor
Scribes, one of the reasons why I love being a prophetic writer who pursues IMMERSION is that it teaches me not to rely on my own creative ability and imagination, but to make sure my imagination is HOLY!
Writers are only a type of prophetic scribe
Writers are only types of prophetic scribes! Scribes are a class of administrative, instructional and creative types! This isn’t my truth but a global historical one that predates the Scripture in the secular realm and is proven in Scripture in its Hebraic roots. Prophetic WRITERS are “types of scribes.” This clarification is made clear as…
Documentation Will Play A Greater Role in Legacy in Coming Years
Documentation isn’t just about writing things down or putting stuff in boxes. It is also about making deliberate effort and choices to do so intentionally, orderly and chronologically.
Keep Your Word To Yourself
Most of us know what it is like when people break their promises. And if we are truthful with ourselves, we also know that we have deeply wounded others because we have not kept our WORD to them.