(Written in 2006) I was sitting in bible study at my church last night when suddenly, Holy Spirit pulled at my spirit and I heard, "There is a forgotten ministry in the church daughter. It's the ministry of exhortation. It must be revived!" Without really thinking about it … I made a note of…
Scribal Prophecy Part II: I AM Restoring the Order of Scribes
Released 3/28/10 – Theresa Harvard Johnson Prophetic Insight BEFORE the Prophetic Word: What does Father’s Scribal Order look like? It looks like an APOSTOLIC REALIGNMENT! In the first part of this prophetic word, the Lord rebuked his scribes for becoming lone rangers in their ministry and stepping away from His scribal order which is to…
Take Up Your Battle Axe and Ink Horn
God shared this word with me today. It blessed me beyond measure. I am briefly posting part of it here to cause you to search the word and go deeper in understanding. For those who took the class on the Scribal Anointing, it will come together for you. Food for thought…. Prophetess Theresa ************************* Ezekiel…
Take Up Your Battle Axe and Ink Horn (2)
God shared this word with me today. It blessed me beyond measure. I am briefly posting part of it here to cause you to search the word and go deeper in understanding. For those who took the class on the Scribal Anointing, it will come together for you. Food for thought…. Prophetess Theresa ************************* Ezekiel…
Four Things A Scribe Must Do (Continued)
#2: Scribes Must Write for Intimacy (10/18/06) Theresa Harvard Johnson Your Challenge: Try this today or tomorrow, and then post what God gives you. For a long time, I would wait until God spoke to me to write a poem, prophecy, teaching or other type of prophetic writing. Then one day as I sat with my…