Copyright 2010 Theresa Harvard Johnson We cannot always get what we want on our terms. This is not how the Kingdom of Heaven is set up. We have clear guidelines in place to conduct every area of our lives. Sadly, many believers are growing in blatant disrespect and lack of honor for the authority that…
The Devestating Effects of Approaching Leadership Casually: Part II (2)
Copyright 2010 Theresa Harvard Johnson (To understand this teaching in the context in which it was written, please read Part I. You may also check out this article: The Re-Emergence of Diotrophes) Leaders, get ready for some folk to run. As you begin to stand in the authority of your “TRUE SELF” – the one…
The Devestating Effects of Approaching Leadership Casually: Part II
Copyright 2010 Theresa Harvard Johnson (To understand this teaching in the context in which it was written, please read Part I. You may also check out this article: The Re-Emergence of Diotrophes) Leaders, get ready for some folk to run. As you begin to stand in the authority of your “TRUE SELF” – the one…
Scribal Prophecy: I Am a Prophet Also
Scribal Prophecy: May 5, 2010 Copyright 2010 Theresa Harvard Johnson One of my favorite parables in the bible is the story of the foolish young prophet from 1 Kings 13. I am always hanging on to the warning of this word, and today, I am impressed to share it with you. Father uses this passage…
Your Muse or Holy Spirit? (2)
Copyright 2010 Theresa Harvard Johnson Prophetic people, this isn’t a game. Your scribal ministry is rooted in Matthew 13:52. Father’s original purpose and intent for your scribal ministry is CLEARLY outlined in the scriptures. The Apostolic Prophetic Kingdom we serve is not just any-old thing. It is the KINGDOM OF OUR GOD… the palace of…