Read Part I & Part II of this series)Copyright 2018 Theresa Harvard Johnson If spiritual immaturity can produce a lying pen… then how should we consider that pen or judge it? Do we treat it like the pen of the false prophet or do we treat it as an opportunity to bring the person into…
PART III: The Lying Pen of the Scribe & Spiritual Immaturity
Read Part I & Part II of this series)Copyright 2018 Theresa Harvard Johnson If spiritual immaturity can produce a lying pen… then how should we consider that pen or judge it? Do we treat it like the pen of the false prophet or do we treat it as an opportunity to bring the person into…
Part II: The Lying Pen of the Scribe (2)
(Read Part I: The Lying Pen of the Scribe)
Copyright 2018 Theresa Harvard Johnson
I teach that there are different types of Lying Pens.
Jeremiah 8:8 was specifically speaking to the deliberate manipulation of God’s word by scribes who should have known better… but the implications of that warning are clear: The lying pen is real… and as scribes we must be aware of how this affects HOW WE administrate our own gifts before the Lord. By revelatory insight, we are also challenged to see the deeper meaning of the lying pen.
The pen, in this passage, refers specifically to “writing and teaching lies”…
Part II: The Lying Pen of the Scribe
(Read Part I: The Lying Pen of the Scribe)
Copyright 2018 Theresa Harvard Johnson
I teach that there are different types of Lying Pens.
Jeremiah 8:8 was specifically speaking to the deliberate manipulation of God’s word by scribes who should have known better… but the implications of that warning are clear: The lying pen is real… and as scribes we must be aware of how this affects HOW WE administrate our own gifts before the Lord. By revelatory insight, we are also challenged to see the deeper meaning of the lying pen.
The pen, in this passage, refers specifically to “writing and teaching lies”…
Part I: The Lying Pen of the Scribe (2)
Copyright 2018 Theresa Harvard Johnson
I wrote a book about 10 years ago entitled, Spiritually Critiquing Literary Works (www.scribalarsenal). It is a workbook that helps prophetic writers determine if a project is “prophetically inspired, demonically driven or born of the flesh.” (Jeremiah 8:8; Matthew 23)
The word “CRITIQUE” comes from Greek κριτικός (kritikós), meaning ‘able to discern’, which is a Greek derivation of the word κριτής (krités), meaning a person who offers reasoned judgment or analysis, value judgment, interpretation or observation. (Wikipedia)