Copyright 2011 @ Theresa Harvard Johnson This is a revelation Father gave me several years ago in my prayer time. I was in a difficult place in my walk and didn’t know if I could finish this race. Somehow, I’d allowed the enemy to get in — and his assault was far worse than it…
RACISM: Next Move of Healing Across Nation
Copyright 2011 Theresa Harvard Johnson (Based on Director’s Call VOC Leaders) Genesis 1:26-26 CJB, “Then God said, Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature…
Jealousy & Envy: Is it in you? (2)
Copyright 2011 Theresa Harvard Johnson Two of the most VILE and WICKED sins we will ever encounter in ministry are jealousy and envy. Personally, I’ve never seen any other sin with the power to destroy like these when rooted in a man’s heart. Only the LOVE OF GOD has the power to cast them…
Jealousy & Envy: Is it in you?
Copyright 2011 Theresa Harvard Johnson Two of the most VILE and WICKED sins we will ever encounter in ministry are jealousy and envy. Personally, I’ve never seen any other sin with the power to destroy like these when rooted in a man’s heart. Only the LOVE OF GOD has the power to cast them…
True Publishing (2)
Copyright 2011 Theresa Harvard Johnson Are you really a publisher? I pray that you really meditate on this question for a minute. Think outside of what our mind tells us a “publisher” really is and consider it from a biblical, Hebraic perspective. Think back in time when there was no “industry” for publishing and all…