Over the last three or four years, I have become obsessed with these high-end writing kits. Right before I began to click the buy button at this unique retailer, I decided to create my own.
The Zeal & Urgency of Biblical Scribes
Biblical scribes were filled with ZEAL for the Lord, and an URGENCY to please Him. In today’s culture, many people have a ZEAL FOR CALLINGS, WORKS & GIFTS, but they do not have a ZEAL for the LORD or heart that pursues what is urgent to Him.
Educating The Church About The Biblical Scribe
Our English word “SCRIBE” does not do this word justice because of how we have appropriated it within our culture.
Ancient Graphic Design: Scribes Making Their Mark in the Early Church
(Excerpt from Graphic Design & The Prophetic) The first recorded, intentional use of “graphic design” in the Christian faith is recorded in the discourse of St. Clement of Alexandria’s work, “Christ, the Instructor.”[1] Clement wrote, “And let our seals be either a dove, or a fish, or a ship scudding before the wind, or a…
Part II: I Am Not Looking
The scriptures define coveting as “fixing your eyes on anything whether good or bad” that is not yours and not for you.