#1 If someone writes a “BOOK REVIEW” for your book – whether in-depth or short, remember it is a “book review” — not a foreword or endorsement designed to be printed in their completed, copyrighted manuscript. To use it in this way can be very deceptive. Some self-published authors seem to walk in confusion concerning…
Be Warned: About Book Reviews & Forewords
#1 If someone writes a “BOOK REVIEW” for your book – whether in-depth or short, remember it is a “book review” — not a foreword or endorsement designed to be printed in their completed, copyrighted manuscript. To use it in this way can be very deceptive. Some self-published authors seem to walk in confusion concerning…
New Book Release: Signs of Scribal Prophet
I am excited to announce the release of my new book, Signs of a Scribal Prophet! A scribal prophet is a fully… Posted by Theresa Harvard Johnson on Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Word of the Lord: Forgiving Will Release Your Breakthrough
This post is the result of a dream I had this week. In it the Lord showed me some areas of forgiveness I still needed to walk out. As he ministered to me, this word poured from me with an urgency to share it. Yes, I know it is personal, but we are all on the same journey and face common struggles. We are all being perfected in him daily. May it bless you today. No offense is worth risking unanswered prayers and deeper spiritual maturation. – Theresa Harvard Johnson
I heard Father say: I know you have been praying and asking me for breakthrough. I heard you. I listened. I have answered, but you are not able to see my answer at this present time. Beloved, I am waiting to rescue you. You should know that breakthrough is in your hands: “It begins with forgiveness, a deep forgiveness from the bones…. I am rending them of past offense.” Yes, I know you say that it is finished and that there is nothing left to forgive. In your own strength, this has become truth. Beloved! LISTEN! I SEE ALL… and I see where you have shut down in fear of what will be revealed, in fear of the pain and from a place of self-righteousness and control. I am here to help you let it go. To enable you to hear and think clearly. Did I not say that we must forgive seventy-times-seven? This is through the strength of my Spirit, not by you own will or your own way. Why do you believe it is a sin or an aggravation to continue the process? I AM walking you through this season. You beloved are mind. I will have all of you.
Word of the Lord: YOU Were Called To Be FREE
I spent the better part of this weekend in prayer – praying for others, praying for my family. This morning, as I prepared for the day in prayer Father spoke this to me. I want share it with you as a place of encouragement. I pray that it blesses and affirms your soul; and reaffirms…