Often, the greatest enemy we face in our calling is ourselves. Facing this truth can require recognizing areas in our lives that initiate self-sabotage, discouragement and frustration. There are four areas that can shut down our path to destiny and purpose that I believe can be easily missed. (Check out the article series, The Self-Sabotaging…
Privacy, Secrecy, Transparency & Confidentiality
Understanding the difference between privacy, secrecy, transparency and confidentiality.
Knowing Your Worth As A Scribe
I have learned that knowing your worth in business and ministry often lines up with how YOU see yourself.
Bearing Burdens Of Others & Carrying Our Own Load
We were created to bear one another’s burdens, BUT NOT TO CARRY THEM. Carrying burdens was the work of Jesus, not ours.
5 Simple Things Scribes Can Do To Support the Ukraine
There are certain times in our lives when we long to do more to help people. We might look at what is in our hands and say, “I am only one person! Who will listen to me?” The truth is, nearly every major change in our history began with the efforts of a SINGLE person who had reached their limit or who had a need and no solution. Your effort, whether visible by millions or appreciated by one… matters.