Released Sunday, April 12, 2015 Theresa Harvard Johnson Jeremiah 32:17 NIV says, “Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” Beloved, I am training you in victory that you might reign in assurance with me. There are things in…
Is scribal ministry authentic?
Copyright 2015 Theresa Harvard Johnson
Every few months, I receive notes, messages or emails stating that “scribal ministry” is a false ministry. One woman was so upset about the thought of “scribes in ministry” that she called me a “false prophet” spreading “false doctrine” and brought an entire “amen” section with her. Seriously.
I actually shouted for joy in that moment. It was an HONOR to be attacked and mocked. Truly, scribal ministry is God’s ministry. I continuously see these attacks as opportunities or fuel to continue to shed light on this powerful and unique calling! Scribal ministry is just as plain in scripture as the ministry of Ephesian’s 11:4 or that of the elders.
Check out The Scribal Anointing book series. Order the series digitally in My Digital Store or have them shipped through My Scribal Store.
Why are we killing Christian films? (2)
A different pespective on an ongoing debate
Copyright 2015 Theresa Harvard Johnson
I received major chastisement from the Lord last week. I found myself jumping on the band wagon about how bad the quality of “Christian movies” are and how they should be better or as good as Hollywood. You know the drill.
You see, Father has raised me in Him to be an exhorter of present day scribes, a mother and mentor in the spirit realm to many – especially as it relates to strengthening them in the calling upon their lives. I find myself standing at the starting lines with pom-poms all the time shouting: YOU CAN DO IT! But this recent realization, left me standing fully repentant. I firmly believe that God has a purpose for every called scribe; and that we, as a body of believers, should do what we can to encourage everyone at all times — no matter what the small beginning might look like. So it became official, I am no longer a part of the “Christian film-killing” bandwagon. This is why.
Why are we killing Christian films?
A different pespective on an ongoing debate
Copyright 2015 Theresa Harvard Johnson
I received major chastisement from the Lord last week. I found myself jumping on the band wagon about how bad the quality of “Christian movies” are and how they should be better or as good as Hollywood. You know the drill.
You see, Father has raised me in Him to be an exhorter of present day scribes, a mother and mentor in the spirit realm to many – especially as it relates to strengthening them in the calling upon their lives. I find myself standing at the starting lines with pom-poms all the time shouting: YOU CAN DO IT! But this recent realization, left me standing fully repentant. I firmly believe that God has a purpose for every called scribe; and that we, as a body of believers, should do what we can to encourage everyone at all times — no matter what the small beginning might look like. So it became official, I am no longer a part of the “Christian film-killing” bandwagon. This is why.
Word of the Lord: Breaking Free of Prostitution & Acts of Discrimination
Released March 25, 2015
Theresa Harvard Johnson
Father blew this into my Spirit: You my beloved congregation are being removed from the prostitute and every act of discrimination among congregational leaders and those who follow them. I am God and I love my people the same. When the spirit of prostitution comes, I will cause you to quickly recognize it – knowing that it comes to fleece my Spirit and create a divide between the haves-and-the-have-nots. It has no love for the broken, the hurting. It seeks only its own gain, purposes and dreams.
I am God who seeks to encourage, strengthen and protect all those who are mine. Remember me over the ways of men.